Basic Installation Question

Hello All,

I’m new to the world of Raspberry Pis and Home Assistant and I’ve a really basic question.

I’m following the instructions here for my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I’ve flashed a 16GB SD card using balenaEtcher with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and B+ 32bit option.

However, I’m lost at this step

Load the appliance image into your virtual machine software.

Should I have Raspbian running on one SD card connected to my Pi and then connect another SD with the flashed HA image? Or can I do this all on one SD card.

Thanks for any guidance!

Flash the image to an SD using Etcher as you have done, then just install the SD card into the Pi, plug in an Ethernet cable and power it up.

On a Pi3, it will take approx 15-20 mins for the first boot, you can check the progress by going to the IP of machine and port 8123, eg. (check your router to find the ip of the Pi if you don’t already have it).

When you see the screen that asks you make a user account, the initial boot has completed and you can proceed and follow the prompts.

This part is referring to an install on a virtual machine, you can ignore that.

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Thank you - now working :slight_smile:

Good stuff :+1: