Hello folks,
I have been struggling to understand how Home Assistant works and it’s requirements - I have a Decent Espresso machine which has an addon/plugin which allows some machine control via Home Assistant… but there is no step by step info on how to do it.
I installed the HA android app, and all I can do is add an “instance” - which I don’t understand, as there is no explanation of what that is… I guess an instance is an IP address… but for what?
I have read quite a bit of the “getting started” pages, but they tend to assume a level of knowledge that I do not have.
Before I even attempt this, my basic question is this, would I need a third gizmo (server like Raspberry Pi) to be able to operate HA from my phone, or is there a way to install apps on two android devices (my phone and Decent Espresso’s android tablet) and be able to control things that way?
You can certainly use your phone to control things(your espresso machine?), but like they said above using the companion app. I guess I did not know that home assitant was available for Android. But in order to do that, you need home assistant running on a server/device on your network. For example, I have home assistant running on a raspberry pi which is a small low power computer. That computer handles the requested from your phone and sends them to your espresso machine. I am curious, what brand/model espresso machine you have, and how you know that it is supported by home assitant?
I have the Decent DE-1 Espresso machine - which is controlled by an android tablet. It’s easily the most capable Espresso machine on the planet today… awesome machine able to control flow, pressure, temp and emulate every other espresso machine with shareable presets. See decent espresso dot com.
Can you tell I’m a bit of a fanboy? Decent Espresso, Default profile for my wife - Using Visualizer and DYE - zero latte art - YouTube
I do think this is much too much effort for what I am getting… very basic ability to turn my machine off and on remotely! I don’t want to run any server just for that… I was hoping my phone would connect to the addon on the Decent DE-1 tablet with ease, but it seems a lot more convoluted than that with server running 24/7 etc.
Looks like an awesome machine! I have a francis francis x1, very old school. I just watched a youtube video and it seems as if it comes with its own tablet, is that what yours came with? Are you are attempting to see if you can control it from your phone rather than the tablet?