Battery Alert package - renamed device

I’m using @NotoriousBDG’s battery alert package (1.2.2) and I have had to reinit the ios component several dozen times prior to 0.88. Now the battery state of my two iPhones seem to have gone haywire.

During my ios issues I was asked to rename my phones so there was no space “iphone 8” to “iphone8”. Same with the 6.

Now the templates for iphone_8_battery_level still exists (not sure where it’s getting it from) but the iphone8_battery_template does not.

The device_tracker.iphone8:

battery: 40.99999964237213
battery_status: NotCharging
friendly_name: iPhone8

EDIT: Checking out mqtt I do see this:
homeassistant/sensor/iphone8_battery/state: { "value": 40.00000059604645 }

and this:

homeassistant/sensor/iphone8_battery/config: {
          "json_attributes_topic": "homeassistant/sensor/iphone8_battery/attributes",
          "unit_of_measurement": "%",
          "state_topic": "homeassistant/sensor/iphone8_battery/state",
          "unique_id": "iphone8_battery",
          "name": "iPhone8 Battery",
          "value_template": "{{ value_json.value | int }}",
          "device_class": "battery"

If you want to get rid of that sensor, just enter homeassistant/sensor/iphone8_battery in the Delete a Battery Sensor input text box.

Thanks. I tried every combination of names except putting homeassistant in front of the whole thing.