Battery Check

An automatic process to check the battery states.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

While looking for a blueprint to monitor the battery status of all devices, I found sbyx automation. However, I was missing some information about it, and I wanted to slightly revise the option to select the day of the week, including a few minor changes. Therefore here is a revised version.

There are devices that monitor the status internally and simply set a switch to the status, and some that indicate the current value in percent. Both are taken into account in this automation.

When selecting the exclude, please be sure to use the entity.

When it comes to the action (I use the fantastic Pushover), you can choose whatever you want. However, it should be noted that Telegram, for example, cannot use an underscore. Therefore, please include a rewrite when outputting. As soon as the message is specified, the warning appears. This is absolutely ok, as normal input does not allow parentheses. Then simply copy the text into the appropriate field.

{{sensors|replace("_"," ")}} 

Link for the Home Assistant Menu Import (Settings > Automations & Scenes > Blueprints … Import Blueprint):

Unfortunately I can only post two links and one picture as a new user. I’ll post the link to sbix and two info pictures in an answer to this post.

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Blueprint Automation:

Action rewrite:

I have just tried your blueprint and it seems to work fine. Told me one of my sensore will need a new battery soon. Cool!
I will try further…

Perfect. Thank you for your feedback!
