This will require soldering directly into the sensor. Which is something I don’t feel confortable doing myself.
I wonder if I can get a dummy CR2 battery somewhere and just cram the cables with the dummy inside the sensot
if you’re going to try to “cram the cables in” you still need to somehow really affix the cables… which means soldering.
unless you have shaky hands, why not give soldering a try? it’s really not hard. i’ve taught 12 year olds to do it. the main issue is really if you have a condition where you cannot hold your hands relatively still.
a 3volt adapter should cost about $5. i wouldn’t do the 3v regulator just to then put a 5 volt charge on it… at that point, just get the 3v adapter…
one other thought… if you have a 3d printer it wouldn’t be hard to 3d print a "coin with holes that you could thread the + and - wires through… you could avoid soldering that way…