ich have a problem with the MQTT Signal of my mower. i get the SOC of the battery via MQTT with this topic:
The sensor.yaml looks like this:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "gardena/mower/battery/charge"
name: "gardena r70li battery"
then i customized it like this in customize.yaml
friendly_name: Batterie SOC
device_class: battery
But in Lovelace i don t get the dynamic icon.
what is wrong?
May 22, 2020, 11:39am
Remove the customisation and put the device class directly in the sensor.
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "gardena/mower/battery/charge"
name: "gardena r70li battery"
device_class: battery
If that does not work, check the developer tools states menu to see if the % symbol is included in the state. If it is you will have to remove it with a template in your mqtt binary sensor.
hi @tom_l
i put the device_class already in the sensor.yaml, same problem.
the “%” is included in the state. how do i remove it with a template?
Thanks @tom_l
got it to work
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "gardena/mower/battery/charge"
name: "gardena r70li battery"
value_template: "{{ value.replace('%', '') }}"
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: battery