Battery info from Xiaomi sensors via ZHA?

Hey, I have a HUSBZB-1 stick connected to a Raspberry Pi, using Xiaomi Aqara motion sensors and door sensors. They’re all paired up and working as expected.

One thing I’m missing is battery status. I saw references to (potentially inaccurate!) battery info for these devices, but I don’t see it anywhere in HA.

Is it only available if I use the Xiaomi hub?

It’s available using Zigbee2MQTT, but I’m not sure if it’s available using ZHA or deCONZ.
You can wait see if it shows up after 24 hours. They don’t report battery life as often as the primary value, so it might just take a while to come in.

Ah thanks, that’s good to know. What I have is working well so I’m not gonna switch, I don’t think.

Some of the motion sensors have been running for weeks so don’t think there’s any chance it will just pop up. The temperature and light readings took a while to start working for sure.