Battery level at 100% for Fibaro devices?


Is someone has been able to get correct battery level for Fibaro ZWave devices ?? I have a smoke sensor and PIR sensor (eye) and both always report 100% battery level in HA :frowning: Is it a missing capability in HA/OpenZWave or Fibaro devices not reporting that thing ??



No one on this ? no one using Fibaro devices with battery ??

I use the Fibaro motion sensor, door sensor and smoke detector. All these devices show 100% for a long time, but after months of use this will go down to ~40% within 2 weeks. And around the 40% they will shutdown. So it isn’t a nice curve, but you will get a warning when they start to go.

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@MisterGlass May you please confirm which device from Fibaro you have exactly as my PIR sensor is always 100% battery in HA whatever battery full or dead :frowning:

I have the Fibaro FGMS-001 ZW5 Motion Sensor with Z-Wave Plus Multisensor. I added the device with the “Add Node Secure” button in Configuration/Z-wave menu

In my configuration.yaml I created a template sensor. You can also test this by pasting the code in the templates under Developer tools. (replace livingroom_motion with your device name)

sensor template:
  friendly_name: Livingroom Motion Battery
  value_template: '{{ states.zwave.livingroom_motion.attributes.battery_level }}'
  entity_id: zwave.livingroom_motion
  unit_of_measurement: '%'
  icon_template: mdi:battery-outline

I get:
sensor template:
friendly_name: Livingroom Motion Battery
value_template: '100’
entity_id: zwave.livingroom_motion
unit_of_measurement: ‘%’
icon_template: mdi:battery-outline

I have the same problem with a bunch of Aeotec Multisensor 6’s, they read 100% even when they’re dead and I haven’t realised they haven’t woken up for 2 weeks.

Hi Vincen -

I happened to run into your post searching for the same. I am using Openhab rather than HA, but I am seeing exactly the same. My other - non Fibaro - ZWave devices report battery status ok, but the 4 Fibaro motion sensors all report 100%. I just noticed that my living room temp was reporting a value that could not be correct, and only then found out that the battery was actually empty…

I think this is a Fibaro issue. These guys do not have the best SW development quality record if you ask me. I tried for a few years to get my Fibaro HC2 to work properly but eventually gave up and turned to OpenHab.

Have you been able to do any further trouble-shooting?

I am using firmware 2.8 on all.


mine were 100%, next day dead and battery 0%… pointless

From my investigation it is a Fibaro issue as I checked with Openzwave guys and it’s supposed to handle correctly battery level ! I don’t know how to check sw version of my Fibaro devices in HA but problem is that it’s impossible to update fibaro devices firmware without a Fibaro controler which makes the process very boring when not using their controlers :frowning:

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