I am trying to configure notification about low battery level, but it does not work. Every time I reboot HA, I receive notification. Just to troubleshoot, I tried to send the battery level with notification, but i receive code instead of the number. This is what I configured:
- action:
- data:
event: Status_Change_Notification
value1: "Test: {{ states.zwave.aeotec_dsb45_water_sensor.attributes.battery_level.state }}"
# value1: Time to Replace Water Sensor Batteries
service: ifttt.trigger
alias: 'Water Sensor Batteries Alert'
id: '1499707625055'
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: binary_sensor.aeotec_dsb45_water_sensor_sensor
value_template: '{{ state.attributes.battery_level | default(0) | int }}'
below: 90
The level is 100% now, but I receive notification every time I restart HA. Notification says:
Test: {{ states.zwave.aeotec_dsb45_water_sensor.attributes.battery_level.state }}
Can someone help me with this?