Battery Monitor - home-assistant-config-NotoriousBDG/packages/battery_alert.yaml

Total NooB, having trouble installing an Mqtt based “Battery Alert Package”
here is a clip of installation instructions, stuck at #3, any help is appreciated, Joe.

## 1. Enable MQTT using your preferred MQTT broker
## 2. Enable MQTT Discovery by adding discovery: true and
## discovery_prefix: homeassistant under the mqtt: section **DONE
## of your configuration.yaml
## mqtt:
## discovery: true
## discovery_prefix: homeassistant DONE
## 3. Save this file as CONFIGDIR/packages/battery_alert.yaml **What file, to where, HOW?
## 4. Add packages: !include_dir_named packages under the
## homeassistant: section of your configuration.yaml
## homeassistant:
## packages: !include_dir_named packages **DONE
## 5. Restart Home Assistant
## 6. Adjust Min Alert Threshold slider to the minimum battery
## level to alert on. Note: the input slider requires the
## recorder component to keep it’s state through restarts. **Where to do this?
## If recorder is not enabled, the threshold can be set by
## un-remarking initial and setting the preferred default.

is the directory where your configuration.yaml is located. So you need to create a directory packages there, and in that directory a file battery_alert.yaml

Thanks I now have many new automations, still not sure if when i cloned package if it install in the right place, it created Home assistant config notoriasBDG and packages was inside of that, i moved it out to config folder and restarted Core, Joe.

in your screenshot above you have a folder called “packages”.

in the folder called “…notoriousBDG” you should have a file called “battery_alert.yaml”.

move the “battery_alert.yaml” file into the “packages” folder and the delete the “…BDG” folder (if I recall correctly there is a .readme file in that folder as well so if you want to save it move it somewhere convenient first).

Thanks Joe