Hello, smart community. I am looking ( no luck yet) for a battery operated pressure sensor. My idea is to install this sensor under toilet seat, and when some one finish a business and it’s no more pressure detected activate smart air freshener ( GitHub - 3ative/scent-a-tron-glade). I am not sure if it’s exist or not, and don’t want to run a cable to esp32 FSR sensor. Which is working great for my bed, but their I don’t care about cables( hided under the bed). Thank you in advance.
Would be better to use a reed sensor setup with a motion/presence sensor to say if seat is down (reed sensor in the open state) and the bathroom is unoccupied after x time then activate the air freshener.
Would not be the easiest just an ordinary PIR sensor? A minute after movement is no more detected, spray that s…t
I’ve done this, you basically wired the pressure strip to reed switch from a zigbee door sensor.
I’d recommend hotglue it at least to waterproof it
Just an example of what can be done:
I am using this blueprint to setup occupancy states for my bathroom to control the LED strip:
In your case you just add in the reed sensor you setup on the toilet seat as an extra option for the choose list in the condition with the trigger by being not occupied with the action being activate air freshener.
Figured I would show an example to make it easier to setup.
I’m using an Aeotec motion sensor and am using the Aqara P2 door and window sensor for the door.
I read that somebody did use an Aqara Vibration Sensor on the button for the flushing. Easy Solution.
Thank you everyone for ideas suggestions. I do have a ld2410 sensor automation for occupancy to turn on and off my lights and exhaust fan, but I want air freshener to spray when toilet seat is unoccupied. Reed sensor is good, but again it’s has to be wired to esp32 board , same like FSR sensor. I do have an aqara vibration sensor and will try your suggestion @Dosch . Any other ideas?
occupancy ended + time delay. No need to fiddle around You already have all you need…
When I say reed sensor I am using a general term you can use any door and window sensor as that is what they are… reed sensors.
I’ve seen this battery operated toilet flusher that comes with proximity sensor. Probably you could wire it to reed switch as well, makes for a good ‘peeing sensor’ since you don’t really sit on it
Basically a fingerbot you wave over to trigger. Might be better to use a finger bot for each button so that you have the option to trigger a piss mode or a 2fre mode unless you have a toilet with a single button anyway for a large water flush lol.
Found a short on that one you have shown:
Not really too keen on getting the auto flusher because I don’t want the kids to get too used to it lol
Might help if there’s a build for battery powered ultrasonic sensor that I could diy without draining too quickly.
I think, I found a solution. Totally forgot about my other project, I have a FSR sensor connected to Aqara door sensor ( instead of magnet) and when my pets stay in front of the back door on the mat with this sensor underneath for 30 seconds , it’s trigger announcement on my Google hub to let the pets in.
I think I can use small FSR sensor ( https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832774382148.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.b1f0kHkIkHkIic&algo_pvid=0dab58b0-8f56-472f-bf2f-2eadc4b21a01&algo_exp_id=0dab58b0-8f56-472f-bf2f-2eadc4b21a01-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!1.58!1.39!!!1.58!1.39!%402103244617306378256918744ea733!66555936662!sea!US!919404812!X&curPageLogUid=tQuylyazHLKj&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A) and connect to door sensor, mounted under the toilet water tank.
Thanks everyone for suggestions, really appreciate all ideas.
I do have similar one on my toilet for couple years ( rechargeable with C-usb connection). I loved, my wife hat it