Battery operated switch to enhance door entry handset

Hi, I am looking for for “something” that I could install next to my headset to simulate a button press.

This is my headset

I am not looking for any fancy communication options, all I want to achieve is to remotely open the building door. So next time I forget my keys, I can open the door from the phone.

The problem I have is that there is no power point nearby and I don’t want to run a wire to the handset.
There might be power in the handset but the wiring in there is so old and fragile I rather not tamper with it.

Can anyone suggest a good solution?

I am hoping for something small that looks nice and does not need a new battery every few days.


Hey, would something like this work?
I have a RPi that I could teach some RF I guess.

This is small enough to even fit inside the handset case. Just need to add a battery…

I’m a little lost here.

With your handset - is it not a physical button press that opens the door? If you don’t open the handset, how will you integrate?


You got that right, it is a physical button and I don’t mind opening the box.
But I don’t want to power whatever I need from the wiring in there.
Of course I will need to install a button/relay in parallel to the physical button. The question is, what will I install?

OK, so I get this sender / receiver pair and I thought it would be easy, but looks like I am missing some instructions on how to actually use this.
Would anybody have any idea where to start?
I think I need to somehow pair the 2 to make it work.

Did you ever figure this out? I want to do the same on my door control panel. I have a button and I know which wires to trip. Just don’t know how to simulate a button press as well.

Hi, no I haven’t.
I got the above-linked switch. But there was no data sheet or any instructions. The seller promised to send me video, but it must have ended up in spam. I was an electronic engineer once upon a time. But I seem to have forgotten … and all the tools have been left behind when I moved down-under :slight_smile:
I will give it a try again …
If you find anything, please let me know your progress.