Today I got my ESP Muse Luxe speaker and now that it’s set up I’d love to have a battery level sensor. The thing is that this is my first time using ESPHome and I have no idea about the electronics stuff either
What I found is the following config but I’m not sure how to convert this value to a battery level (or if this value is even correct). I found it in the forum for the ESP Muse Luxe and right now it reads about 4 V:
@andarotajo you can convert any reading and below is a example from V to %. I just used your multiply but not sure if your correct. Then look in calibrate_linear. 4.0V = 100% and I just put in 1.5V = 0%… you will need to adjust these value when you know them. The lambda is just so you only get 0% to 100% and not -5% and 110% as set in your calibrate_linear. You could remove median as it just slows / averages you readings. Example: update_interval: 10s x 30 = 300 seconds or 5 min for every update reading into HA averaging 30 readings.
I don’t know if your starting value is correct that something you will need to test.