Battery-powered Cooper RF9500 Z-Wave switch

@TheFuzz4 The Aeon stick has backup software that can restore to a new stick. You should check to see if similar software exists for your stick.

Yeah I’ll have to check in on that because that would be ideal. Thanks @zarthan for the tip

Was this ever actually fixed? I’m finally moving my Z-Wave stuff from Smart Things to HA (via zwave2mqtt). I was a little surprised that this switch doesn’t work at all - it just shows up as a battery-powered entity that I can ping, but there are no buttons exposed or anything.

It worked in Smart Things, presumably via SmartThingsPublic/cooper-rf9500.groovy at 4f74e46a3931892ab39a8321a6bedf8dd503468e · SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic · GitHub. But I have no idea how to translate that to some kind of magic that works in Home Assistant. I know this is an old topic, but at least there was some engagement here - which beats my newer thread :stuck_out_tongue: So, apologies for the necromancy.