Battery powered devices and is_active state true


If you have battery powered sensors which are set to wake up and talk to Home Assistant every 24 hours as it should if the state value of ‘is_active’ = true does this mean that the sensor is constantly awake and draining battery power? so should the device be showing ‘is_active’ = false?

Also if you change this state value for the device in Home Assistant to false does this actually communicate back to the sensor to change it?


is_active is device specific. I have a lot of battery powered devices and not a single one has an is_active state or attribute.

What device in particular are you referring to? And how is it integrated?

Also if you change this state value for the device in Home Assistant to false does this actually communicate back to the sensor to change it?

You can’t change state values directly. You can set it in the states tab, but that only changes the database value and not the actual device…and is reset on next update from the device.

It’s a Heiman Smart Smoke Detector. I added it by going into Z Wave and clicking add node. I then paired it using the instructions supplied.

I did change the Is_active value to false but this does reset once the device talks again to Home Assistant. So it must be that the battery did initially discharge and stabilised at 86% as it hasn’t moved from this value so fingers crossed. I had thought by setting this value home assistant was preserving the battery but evidently not.