I’m searching for a small battery powered LED indicator light that I can mount right beside my entry door to the house. The reason, is there happens to be another closet door that opens directly in the path of the entry door and if it’s open and someone attempts to come in the entry door…WHAM! Doors crash into each other and I’m tired and painting and repairing them a couple times each year.
I’m hoping to find a device to give a little warning (red led light) when the contact sensor for the closet is open, in hopes that it will avoid the aforementioned situation. I have Zwave and Zigbee as well as Wifi, so I’m open to almost anything. I also am not opposed to building something like a ESPHome device, but I need a guide! lol…(note: I have no electric access by the entry door, so it must be battery powered) Any input or suggestions would be appreciated!
I’m pretty sure there isn’t one tht exists yet. I had a similar issue (except I had power at the location), so I build myself a little box with an 8x8 LED matrix, wired up a D1Mini and loaded it up with WLED. I use it a a notification light for certain events (different colors and patterns for different events). Been working great for a while now.
I’m mediocre at best at coding and eletrical stuff, but I followed this and it turned out just fine!
I suspect that you can google around and find someone who is running a D1mini and a few LEDs off of a USB battery pack and you should be able to mash the 2 ideas together for what you need.
(To be fair though, I bet someone in the community who is smarter than me may have a better idea that may be more elegant in execution. And if so I’m all ears.)
The biggest challenge with this is that you probably want an instantaneous response when the other door opens. That is kind of contradictory with the battery feed (as in you’d have to provide new batteries/charge every few weeks, always on wifi consumes a lot of power). Battery power or not, it is an easy project for ESPHome to build.
If the door has a (zigbee?) contact sensor you could also drive other alerting mechanisms as wel. For instance make a Hue light (or some light from another vendor) in the neighbouring room light up in a specific color, or pulse the light.
I don’t want to open a new topic but also looking for something like this. A small battery-powered project, that has just a few LEDs - these will signal whether the battery is charging or discharging and whether I’m running on grid power or solar power.
I assume something like ESP8266 + ESPHome + 4 low-power LEDs, but worried about the current consumption, when I would like something that has at most a 5-10s update time. Also open to zigbee stuff, either with LEDs or e-paper. Charging once a week is not an issue, but I would like to carry it around the house.