The thread’s title explicitly says “auto-entities truncates labels”.
But have you tried with that “custom:battery-state-card” w/o auto-entities?
I do not think that auto-entities can make that custom card to cut )))).
I would suggest you to:
– retest with that “custom:battery-state-card” alone;
– rename the thread correspondingly since the title is misleading.
There is a thread for auto-entities. Besides, this thread’s title is still misleading.
(imho using a “template” option of auto-entities is the only way)
Please do not delete it. Just rename (reflect that particular battery card).
And if you find a solution for truncating with that custom card - post it here for others.
Better “battery-state-card truncating entity value” - “auto-entities” is not related here: check with a bare “battery-state-card” and you probably will get same result.