Bayesian Sensor

Bayesian sensor doesn’t appear to collect triggers as expected.

I’d post the Bayesian sensor Yaml if I could figure out how to, in the app with file editor or studio code server. Copy and paste in there is lost to me in the app on Android.

In configuration.yaml

Packages: !include_dir_named packages

Packages directory is there, Bayesian Yaml inside that folder.

From Developer Tools, States:

probability: 0
probability_threshold: 0.7

  • binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening
  • binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion
  • binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion
  • binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion
  • binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion
  • binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion
  • binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening
  • binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_sensor_motion
  • binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening
  • binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening
  • binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion
  • binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening
  • binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_sensor_motion
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_oil_room_motion_motion
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
  • platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion
    to_state: “on”
    prob_given_true: 0.95
    prob_given_false: 0.05
    observed: false
    friendly_name: Is Someone Home

Not sure what you mean. It looks as if you’re trying to detect whether somebody is probably home. Here’s mine if it’s any help. (Post code as preformatted text (</> in the cogwheel menu).

# ==============================================================================
# Bayesian ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ==============================================================================

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Probably occupied
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Calculates the probability that the house is occupied, based on guide at

  - platform: "bayesian"
    name: "Probably occupied"

# Allows name, icon and area to be customized via the UI
# ID generated on

    unique_id: "75b1232e-5269-4451-88cb-4bbf1d8b1442" 
# Estimate of probability before learning about any event
# Normally occupied for 20 hours a day (averaged over week)

    prior:  0.83 
# 90% threshold to account for forgetting phone etc.

    probability_threshold: 0.90
# Observations =================================================================
# The probability of the observation (the sensor state in question) 
# given the event (the assumed state of the Bayesian binary_sensor).    


# TV on ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Binary sensor from template

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: "binary_sensor.tv_on"
        to_state: "on"
# TV only on when house is occupied - 5 hours a day

        prob_given_true: 0.2
        prob_given_false: 0.5
# Xbox on ------------------------------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: "binary_sensor.xbox_on"
        to_state: "on"
# Xbox sometimes on when house is unoccupied - but av 1 hour a day when occupied

        prob_given_true: 0.05
        prob_given_false: 0.075 
# Speakers on ------------------------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: "binary_sensor.speakers_on"
        to_state: "on"
# Speakers only on when house is occupied - 2 hours a day

        prob_given_true: 0.1
        prob_given_false: 0.001

# Movement in house (sensor stays on for 5 min) -------------------------------
# Binary sensor from template

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: "binary_sensor.movement"
        to_state: "on"

# No movement when house is occupied 6 hours a day (asleep)

        prob_given_true: 0.7 
        prob_given_false: 0.125
# Probably in bed --------------------------------------------------------------
# Binary sensor from template

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: "binary_sensor.in_bed"
        to_state: "on"
# Sleep elsewhere 2% of time

        prob_given_true: 0.4
        prob_given_false: 0.01
# Phone is charging ------------------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: binary_sensor.nokia_g21_is_charging
        to_state: "on"
# Phone usually charged overnight when home - for 8 hours a day

        prob_given_true: 0.4
        prob_given_false: 0.0625
# Phone is on wi-fi ------------------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: sensor.nokia_g21_wifi_connection
        to_state: "Malachi_5"
# Phone on wi-fi most of day

        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.01
# Alarm is armed ---------------------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
        to_state: "armed_away"
# Alarm usually set when out (4 hours a day)

        prob_given_true: 0.01
        prob_given_false: 0.99
# Keys home (Bluetooth LE) -----------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: device_tracker.bermuda_de_1d_c9_73_61_d3_bermuda_tracker
        to_state: "home"
# 100% of time when home, never when out

        prob_given_true: 0.99
        prob_given_false: 0.01
# Phone home (Bluetooth LE) ----------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: device_tracker.419c3768b97d446c9a2c233b2712a79e_100_40004_bermuda_tracker
        to_state: "home"
# 100% of time when home, never when out, but sometimes forget phone

        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.01
# Watch home (Bluetooth LE) ----------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: device_tracker.1b47a85da46d47e5b9ae9ddf4fa74072_100_40004_bermuda_tracker
        to_state: "home"
# Watch home/away less accurate than keys/phone

        prob_given_true: 0.87
        prob_given_false: 0.01
# Watch on wi-fi ---------------------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: sensor.ticwatch_e2_0520_wifi_connection
        to_state: "Malachi_5"
# Watch rarely on wi-fi

        prob_given_true: 0.19
        prob_given_false: 0.01
# Watch charging ---------------------------------------------------------------

      - platform: "state"
        entity_id: binary_sensor.ticwatch_e2_0520_is_charging
        to_state: "on"
# Watch charges two hours a day

        prob_given_true: 0.10
        prob_given_false: 0.01
1 Like

Yes, thank you, is someone home.

yaml below for sensor in packages folder. nothing happens, Bayesian sensor doesn’t trigger. all motion sensor do trigger and door sensors. lost and perplexed.

  - platform: bayesian  
    name: "Is Someone Home"
    prior: 0.8
    probability_threshold: 0.7
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_sensor_motion
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_oil_room_motion_motion
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - entity_id: binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion
        platform: state
        to_state: "on"
        prob_given_true: 0.95
        prob_given_false: 0.05`Preformatted text`

I’t a couple of years since I did this…

Your probability threshold is lower than your prior. Does it make any difference if you raise it?

1 Like

I’ll let you know, I raised it higher than prior, but read on the HA Bayesian documentation page that probability higher than prior as follows,

“Note: If the threshold is higher than the prior then the default state will be off

Yours work so that must be old or something. Or I misunderstood it’s meaning.

I’m also lowering my sensors numbers similar to yours for testing.

Thanks again! Ai help had been mostly useless. Lol

Well regardless of the documentation, with lower numbers in the sensors, meaning prob true similar to some of yours, I’m getting triggers now, just have to massage.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your response, it helped a lot.:+1:

1 Like

There’s a post here:

It’s quite old now, but I found it very helpful and it includes some downloadable spreadsheets to work out the probabilities.

1 Like

I’ll study it. Thanks again!

Understanding the numbers was the most frustrating. Both Chatgpt and Grok got me started with configuration, but Ai spits out too much information and speculates quite a bit.

They didn’t get the numbers either.

But useful for help if you’re careful.

I wanted to share what I did and seems to work for my scenario since you helped me. The way the motion sensors seem to work for me is if some one is home, high threshold, if I trip one it may Set Is Someone Home. Logs show it definitely sets on two and stays on a few minutes. Now I’ll work on doors summer and winter usage.:+1: (Grok helped lol)Preformatted text

  - platform: bayesian
    name: "Is Someone Home"
    prior: 0.9
    probability_threshold: 0.91
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.6
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.5
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.3
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.8
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.3
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.2
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.8
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion.last_changed) < 30) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.3
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_sensor_motion', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_sensor_motion') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_sensor_motion') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_sensor_motion.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.bedroom_motion_sensor_motion.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.8
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.8
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.8
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.8
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_oil_room_motion_motion', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_oil_room_motion_motion') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_oil_room_motion_motion') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_oil_room_motion_motion.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_oil_room_motion_motion.last_changed) < 30) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.3
        prob_given_false: 0.05
      - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion', 'on') or 
          (states('binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion') != 'unavailable' and 
           states('binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion') != 'unknown' and 
           states.binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion.last_changed is not none and 
           as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion.last_changed) < 60) }}
        prob_given_true: 0.8
        prob_given_false: 0.05

Well, the above doesn’t work. Simplifying adding one sensor at a time as in the yaml below, seems odd. Prob true ended up being like .00000000001 or something, one sensor, probability of .9 or .99 add a 2nd sensor probability drops to .47, worked for days and I’ve had it. Either they don’t work and two Ai don’t understand them, because I sure don’t.

  - platform: bayesian
    name: "Is Someone Home"
    prior: 0.5
    probability_threshold: 0.6
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_living_room_motion_motion', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_hallway_motion_motion', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_kitchen_motion_motion', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_motion_motion', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_laundry_room_motion_motion', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_back_door_opening', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_front_door_opening', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_inner_door_opening', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_inner_garage_door_opening', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_basement_outer_door_opening', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_outer_garage_door_opening', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_motion_computer_room_motion', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.aqara_oil_room_motion_motion', 'on') }}"
        prob_given_true: 0.9
        prob_given_false: 0.00000000001

Probability 0.9 means “almost certainly” and 0.00000000001 means “absolutely not going to happen”. I think you’re guessing! :grin:

I worked out mine by saying:

  • In a 24-hour period, for how many hours is the house occupied?
  • Out of the x hours when the house is occupied, how often is movement true?
  • Out of the x hours when the house is empty, how often is movement true?

You can get actual numbers from your HA history, but for me prob_given_true was 0.7 and prob_given_false was 0.125. (I’m retired and I sometimes go out leaving the dog behind.)

Have a look at the post I linked to - the google sheet he has created really works.

Of course I’m guessing, :joy: but I I’ve tried every prior and threshold, true and false under the sun. high & low, differs scenarios for days.

Everytime, best I could get was several sensors needed triggered to trigger the Bayesian.

But that doesn’t account for a person sitting only tripping one sensor, unless I make multiple Bayesian. Which I might. It would work better anyhow.

I have automations that almost duplicate Bayesian for presence, I’ll fiddle with small Bayesian for different scenarios.

Having one large one worked as indicated above. Where evidently the Bayesian takes every sensor into account.

I’m getting it, no guessing but a different fellows spreadsheet and video. I think. Lol

Returning the favor, up to you to like the sheet from GitHub, your call. Working for me and cleaner. Bayesian Sensor Calculator For Home Assistant - Google Sheets