BCP Series EV Charger / Z-BOX integration


has anyone an experience with integrating
BCP Series EV Charger into home assistant?

It has application Z-BOX for Android and iOS and it is able to be connected via Bluetooth or Wifi.



Did you found a way to integrate the charger in HA?

Thank you

Unfortunately not

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Today I have met this node package.

I will give it a try soon to integrace it and let you know.

It looks promising :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice finding!

Let me know if it works, I could try it also and help you if needed.

How do you integrate a node red plug-in in HA?

Thank you


I have tried to execute the node. Js module.

I am getting all the time “timeout” errors.

I tried to put the app ID of the charger, and the password in the js source files.

No way…

Have you been lucky with it?

Thank you!

Yes, the code works for me. I am able to read charger info.

import { ChargerController } from "@danielgindi/bcp-charger-api";

async function run() {
  let charger = new ChargerController("password");

  // Take the code from the QR on the charger or the Z-Box app, and let's resolve the IP address for the charger.
  await charger.sendGetIpAddress("id");

  // Let's fetch basic info about the charger so that state commands could work.
  const model = await charger.sendGetChargerModel();
  console.log("Model:", model);

  const realTimeData = await charger.sendGetRealTimeData();
  console.log("Real-time data:", realTimeData);

  const controllerState = await charger.sendGetControlsState();
  console.log("Controls state:", controllerState);


But I still didn’t have time to create solution. Just this proof of concept. I have three possible ways what to do

  1. Call it through the node red flow (addon) - maybe simplest
  2. Create simple nodejs service and call the api (sensors or again the nodered flow)
  3. Create addon (never did this before so I have to learn how to do it)

OK, working know.

I get output.

I will look for options to integrate it in home assistant just for monitoring and casual control. Node-red addon is the best approach quite sure. I don’t want to work too much.

We could keep this thread running for blocking points and ideas.

Have a nice day!

Hi Keeema,

I have tried to integrate the node js package in HA Node RED without success.

Did you try to make it work somehow?

Any clue on this?


OK, I was able to make it working from time to time in HA Node Red, when other processes are using the same sockets.

Most of the time I get:

function : (error)

“Error: bind EADDRINUSE”

Other times I get the info of the api functions used.

I will try to guess how to setup the node js module to avoid generic binding to the socket, just because HA is using similar bindings for core processes, i.e.*.