Been trying lovelace, but this is all I get

I’ve been at this for hours, can’t seem to get anything to display.

What info can I give you?

Windows install, and it works fine.
Latest version of HA
ui-lovelace.yaml converted from config file? using The Lovelace Migration Script by @dale3h

You can check the Console via F12 to see which error you have in the ui-lovelace.yaml file.

Post your ui-lovelace.yaml here (make sure you use the </> code button so it formats properly.

# This file was automatically generated by

title: Home
  - title: Home
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Watts Now
        entity: camera.watts_now
        camera_image: camera.watts_now
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Phone Battery
        entity: camera.phone_battery
        camera_image: camera.phone_battery
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: OctoPrint
        entity: camera.octoprint
        camera_image: camera.octoprint
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Temperatures
        entity: camera.temperatures
        camera_image: camera.temperatures
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Watts
        entity: camera.watts
        camera_image: camera.watts
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Back_Camera
        entity: camera.back_camera
        camera_image: camera.back_camera
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Kitchen_Camera
        entity: camera.kitchen_camera
        camera_image: camera.kitchen_camera
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Front_Camera
        entity: camera.front_camera
        camera_image: camera.front_camera
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Jeeves Cleaning Map
        entity: camera.jeeves_cleaning_map
        camera_image: camera.jeeves_cleaning_map
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: entities
        title: Leaf
        show_header_toggle: true
          - binary_sensor.l333ond_plug_status
          - sensor.l333ond_charge
          - sensor.leaf_charge_time_1
          - sensor.leaf_charge_time_2
          - sensor.l333ond_range
          - sensor.l333ond_range_ac
          - switch.l333ond_charging_status
          - switch.l333ond_climate_control
      - type: entities
        title: Locations
        show_header_toggle: true
          - device_tracker.pixel_phone
          - device_tracker.suephone_sueph
      - type: entities
        title: Sensor Batteries
        show_header_toggle: true
          - sensor.ms_1_batt
          - sensor.ms_2_batt
          - sensor.ts_1_batt
          - sensor.sb_1_batt
      - type: entities
        title: Television
        show_header_toggle: true
          - remote.living_room
          - sensor.living_room_tv_channel
      - type: entities
        title: LivingRoom Lights
        show_header_toggle: true
          - light.uplight
          - light.test_rgb_strip
      - type: entities
        title: Kitchen Lights
        show_header_toggle: true
          - light.gateway_light_7811dcb79e07
          - light.kitchen_rgb_strip
      - type: entities
        title: Kitchen Motion Sensors
        show_header_toggle: true
          - binary_sensor.back_door_pir_sensor
          - binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001aea7ac
      - type: entities
        title: Cellar Garden
        show_header_toggle: true
          - sensor.garden_season
          - binary_sensor.garden_light
          - binary_sensor.garden_water
          - sensor.garden_temp
          - sensor.garden_humidity
          - sensor.garden_fan
          - sensor.garden_daysleft
          - sensor.garden_error
      - type: entities
        title: OctoPrint
        show_header_toggle: true
          - switch.octoprint
          - binary_sensor.octoprint_printing
          - binary_sensor.octoprint_printing_error
          - sensor.octoprint_actual_bed_temp
          - sensor.octoprint_actual_tool0_temp
          - sensor.octoprint_current_state
          - sensor.octoprint_job_percentage
          - sensor.octoprint_target_bed_temp
          - sensor.octoprint_target_tool0_temp
          - sensor.octoprint_time_elapsed
          - sensor.octoprint_time_remaining
      - type: picture-entity
        title: OctoPrint
        entity: camera.octoprint
        camera_image: camera.octoprint
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: entities
        title: Electric Usage
        show_header_toggle: true
          - sensor.cost_today
          - sensor.cost_now
          - sensor.electric_energy_01
          - sensor.electric_power_01
          - sensor.electric_pulses_01
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Watts
        entity: camera.watts
        camera_image: camera.watts
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Watts Now
        entity: camera.watts_now
        camera_image: camera.watts_now
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: entities
        title: Router
        show_header_toggle: true
          - sensor.arris_tg2492lg85_router_bytes_received
          - sensor.arris_tg2492lg85_router_bytes_sent
          - sensor.arris_tg2492lg85_router_kbytesec_received
          - sensor.arris_tg2492lg85_router_kbytesec_sent
          - sensor.arris_tg2492lg85_router_packets_received
          - sensor.arris_tg2492lg85_router_packets_sent
          - sensor.arris_tg2492lg85_router_packetssec_received
          - sensor.arris_tg2492lg85_router_packetssec_sent
      - type: entities
        title: all scripts
        show_header_toggle: true
          - script.1520361792421
          - script.1582142100812
          - script.1527924203611
          - script.1529817420931
          - script.1522017499831
          - script.1520116455733
          - script.1520812141082
          - script.1521408121082
          - script.1526455701133
          - script.1529983201741
          - script.1523208179941
          - script.1521082140812
      - type: entities
        title: all devices
        show_header_toggle: true
          - device_tracker.pixel_phone
          - device_tracker.suephone_sueph
      - type: entities
        title: all switches
        show_header_toggle: true
          - switch.jeeves_schedule
          - switch.kettle
          - switch.l333ond_charging_status
          - switch.l333ond_climate_control
          - switch.octoprint
      - type: entities
        title: all lights
        show_header_toggle: true
          - light.bedside_lamp
          - light.gateway_light_7811dcb79e07
          - light.kitchen_rgb_strip
          - light.test_rgb_strip
          - light.uplight
      - type: entities
        title: all vacuum cleaners
        show_header_toggle: true
          - vacuum.jeeves
      - type: entities
        title: all remotes
        show_header_toggle: true
          - remote.living_room
      - type: entities
        title: all automations
        show_header_toggle: true
          - automation.auto_chromecast
          - automation.back_door_intruder
          - automation.back_doorbell
          - automation.bedroom_light_delay
          - automation.car_at_50_percent
          - automation.dim_lr_light_when_there_is_no_movement
          - automation.esp_sensor_dying
          - automation.first_morning_action
          - automation.garden_sensor_dying
          - automation.going_out
          - automation.kettle_off_delay
          - automation.led_effect_speed
          - automation.led_light_effect_speed
          - automation.light_and_heating_off
          - automation.light_and_heating_on
          - automation.midnight_routine
          - automation.morning_sunlight
          - automation.morning_tv
          - automation.my_garden_is_still_alive_and_well
          - automation.my_esp_is_still_alive_and_well
          - automation.reset_morning_toggle
          - automation.roku_on_light_off
          - automation.set_theme_at_startup
          - automation.the_button
          - automation.the_button_2
          - automation.turn_off_kitchen_lights_when_there_is_no_movement
          - automation.turn_off_lr_light_when_there_is_no_movement
          - automation.turn_on_kitchen_lights_when_there_is_movement
          - automation.turn_on_lr_light_when_there_is_movement
      - type: history-graph
        title: Batteries
        hours_to_show: 336
        refresh_interval: 15
          - sensor.ms_1_batt
          - sensor.ms_2_batt
          - sensor.sb_1_batt
          - sensor.ts_1_batt
          - sensor.ts_2_batt
      - type: history-graph
        title: L333OND
        hours_to_show: 336
        refresh_interval: 15
          - sensor.l333ond_charge
          - sensor.l333ond_range
          - sensor.l333ond_range_ac
      - type: history-graph
        title: Watts Today
        hours_to_show: 24
        refresh_interval: 15
          - sensor.electric_power_01
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.living_room_tv
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.kitchen_speaker
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.cellar_tv
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.kitchen_magic
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.living_room_home
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.ground_floor
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.melissas_abode_speaker
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.magic_tv
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.roku_1mm569030538
      - type: weather-forecast
        entity: weather.dark_sky
  - title: LivingRoom
    icon: mdi:sofa
      - type: entities
          - sensor.living_room_thermostat_temperature
          - sensor.heating_on_today
          - binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001b1a245
          - vacuum.jeeves
          - climate.living_room
          - input_number.led_effect_speed
          - switch.jeeves_schedule
      - type: entities
        title: Television
        show_header_toggle: true
          - remote.living_room
          - sensor.living_room_tv_channel
      - type: entities
        title: LivingRoom Lights
        show_header_toggle: true
          - light.uplight
          - light.test_rgb_strip
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.magic_tv
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.living_room_tv
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.living_room_home
  - title: kitchen
    icon: mdi:kettle
      - type: entities
          - binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001aea7ac
          - binary_sensor.back_door_pir_sensor
          - sensor.illumination_7811dcb79e07
          - input_boolean.back_door_sentry
          - input_number.led_effect_speedk
          - switch.kettle
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Kitchen_Camera
        entity: camera.kitchen_camera
        camera_image: camera.kitchen_camera
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: entities
        title: Kitchen Lights
        show_header_toggle: true
          - light.gateway_light_7811dcb79e07
          - light.kitchen_rgb_strip
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.kitchen_magic
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.kitchen_speaker
  - title: Leaf
    icon: mdi:car
      - type: entities
        title: Leaf
        show_header_toggle: true
          - binary_sensor.l333ond_plug_status
          - sensor.l333ond_charge
          - sensor.leaf_charge_time_1
          - sensor.leaf_charge_time_2
          - sensor.l333ond_range
          - sensor.l333ond_range_ac
          - switch.l333ond_charging_status
          - switch.l333ond_climate_control
      - type: history-graph
        title: L333OND
        hours_to_show: 336
        refresh_interval: 15
          - sensor.l333ond_charge
          - sensor.l333ond_range
          - sensor.l333ond_range_ac
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Back_Camera
        entity: camera.back_camera
        camera_image: camera.back_camera
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
  - title: OctoPrint
    icon: mdi:printer-3d
      - type: entities
        title: OctoPrint
        show_header_toggle: true
          - switch.octoprint
          - binary_sensor.octoprint_printing
          - binary_sensor.octoprint_printing_error
          - sensor.octoprint_actual_bed_temp
          - sensor.octoprint_actual_tool0_temp
          - sensor.octoprint_current_state
          - sensor.octoprint_job_percentage
          - sensor.octoprint_target_bed_temp
          - sensor.octoprint_target_tool0_temp
          - sensor.octoprint_time_elapsed
          - sensor.octoprint_time_remaining
      - type: picture-entity
        title: OctoPrint
        entity: camera.octoprint
        camera_image: camera.octoprint
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
  - title: CCTV
    icon: mdi:cctv
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Watts
        entity: camera.watts
        camera_image: camera.watts
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Phone Battery
        entity: camera.phone_battery
        camera_image: camera.phone_battery
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Back_Camera
        entity: camera.back_camera
        camera_image: camera.back_camera
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Front_Camera
        entity: camera.front_camera
        camera_image: camera.front_camera
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Kitchen_Camera
        entity: camera.kitchen_camera
        camera_image: camera.kitchen_camera
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
  - title: Bedroom
    icon: mdi:hotel
      - type: entities
          - light.bedside_lamp
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.roku_1mm569030538
  - title: Melissa Bedroom
    icon: mdi:human-female
      - type: entities
          - sensor.temperature_158d0002270f7c
          - sensor.humidity_158d0002270f7c
      - type: media-control
        entity: media_player.melissas_abode_speaker
  - title: Battery Levels
    icon: mdi:battery
      - type: entities
        title: Electric Usage
        show_header_toggle: true
          - sensor.cost_today
          - sensor.cost_now
          - sensor.electric_energy_01
          - sensor.electric_power_01
          - sensor.electric_pulses_01
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Watts
        entity: camera.watts
        camera_image: camera.watts
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Watts Now
        entity: camera.watts_now
        camera_image: camera.watts_now
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: entities
        title: Sensor Batteries
        show_header_toggle: true
          - sensor.ms_1_batt
          - sensor.ms_2_batt
          - sensor.ts_1_batt
          - sensor.sb_1_batt
      - type: history-graph
        title: Batteries
        hours_to_show: 336
        refresh_interval: 15
          - sensor.ms_1_batt
          - sensor.ms_2_batt
          - sensor.sb_1_batt
          - sensor.ts_1_batt
          - sensor.ts_2_batt

Is there meant to be some kind of java stuff somewhere?

No java stuff needed.

That’s a lot of YAML to take in, so your best bet would be to back up the file then remove one big chunk at a time to see which part is giving you problems. See if that helps and report back when you identify it.

I cut it down to this …

# This file was automatically generated by

title: Home
  - title: Home
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Watts Now
        entity: camera.watts_now
        camera_image: camera.watts_now
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog
      - type: picture-entity
        title: Phone Battery
        entity: camera.phone_battery
        camera_image: camera.phone_battery
        show_info: true
        tap_action: dialog

but still the same :frowning: Thanks all the same :slight_smile:

Try removing the ‘camera_image’ lines, they’re not required if the entity is already a camera.

maybe try to clear the cache on your browser or refresh your browser by F5.

Yeah, just tried that, and also from another PC, but it’s still the same :frowning:

Have you checked this Been trying lovelace, but this is all I get? And does that give any hints?

Gerard, lay off the sauce, That is a link to THIS conversation :slight_smile:

Is there anything in the log?

Hi! I think he was talking about f12. Have a look to his earlier comment.

OK, I pressed F12 … but I don’t even know what to look for :slight_smile:

Thanks anyway, I’ve spent enough time on this, I’ll move on to projects new.

Ehh, if you just had followed the link I provided you would have seen it goes to my earlier post :sunglasses: suggesting a way to find the issue, and that is in this conversation indeed. Maybe you can be a bit friendlier to people trying to help…

Post the output of the Console tab here and we can try to help you, that is if you still think that’s needed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hmmm… by the look of it, you are using picture entity, but where is the image??
Here is a sample code for picture-entity, notice ‘‘image:’’

- type: picture-entity
  image: /images/kitchen.png
  entity: light.kitchen_lights