Before I go on a buying frenzy

Hi, all,

First, thank you for all the work that seems to go into this community. I’ve been reading up a lot and have been learning a lot, but still have a few basic questions. I feel confident in my ability to install HA on a Raspberry Pi and get it initially running - what worries me is the different configurations and language that the program uses. I think it’ll come easier once I actually do it, but looking at it on websites and in forums without actually seeing it applied makes it hard for me to answer my question.

To answer it, you need to know what I’m (at least, initially) planning on doing. I want to set up my HA to take voice commands through Alexa (I believe I can do this using the Hue Hub emulator?). But, I also want to be able to run the HA through its own interface. I would like to set up a bunch of smart switches/lights to run on automation rules and through commands when i want a certain scene. For example, after dinner maybe I’d say “Alexa, tell HA to start after dinner mode.” or something like that and certain lights would dim/go off and others turn on. Or if I had colored lights, I’d like to be able to command it to switch colors using my voice but also maybe have them run automatically in red if a motion detector detects motion after a certain hour (i.e. bed time).

While I believe this all to be possible from what I’ve read, what I’m trying to ask is…how hard is it actually?

Thanks in advance. I initially thought about starting out using Smart Things but read so many negative reviews (and am so intrigued by the capabilities of HA) that I decided not to. Unless it proves to be too difficult for me to get something as basic as lights to work.

I guess it will take from 1 to 3 months depending on the time you put on it

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1 year ago, I had 3 hue bulbs + gateway, HA on a RPi3 and that was it… now, mqtt all over, iBeacons, programmed esp8266 boards, Xiaomi stuff, 3 Echos, and just configuring a HA alarm using YET another take on an alarm system

start small, read, ask, read and ask more… my wife still isn’t sure, but loves auto lights in bathrooms, kitchen etc.

you can do everything you are asking above easily. but it is “Aleax/Echo, dinner mode” … using routines, which can/will run a HA script. I do/did exactly that for say Christmas lights… Echo, tree on, echo tree off… turned on/off the switch for the tree lights etc etc etc

for example, I have a hidden xiaomi button at my bedside, once in bed, press it, it turns all lights, switches i want off and just making to also set the alarm… great stuff


Great, thanks for the advice and answer. My biggest worry is figuring out the correct syntax to use. I know it’s not as hard as actual programming language, but just looking at it without seeing it in action it looks confusing. As long as I can get that down I think I’ll be fine. I assume it’s not too bad once you get a few things under your belt?

use notepad++ and make sure it is set to use yaml… makes life easier :slight_smile:

PS and steal from the smart people… I do :slight_smile:


Thanks again for both tips. Seeing the text on the page is daunting but after I plug it in it’ll hopefully make much more sense as to what each line does and means.

Everything you have described there is incredibly easy once you get your head around the basics of yaml formatting, templates and automations

The bit in bold is the hurdle, but you’ve just got to install it and play until it all clicks.

Using the cookbook as suggested above is a great starting point.

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Very sound advice from all here particularly the take your time to learn how it works bit. Biggest mistake most beginners make is to dive straight in and try to either achieve something very advanced or integrate a known to be difficult component, a kindly soul on here gives them the relevant code, they plug it in but haven’t actually learnt anything. Take it slow and learn the basic principles first, the satisfaction of understanding and writing your own bit of code and the light or whatever turning on is huge and it will inspire you to try all sorts of new things.


I echo what is being said here. Start small and go from there. I started just with one Wemo light. Have also grown this to include 25 WEmo lights, Sonoff switches, customer ESP8266 boards controlling LED Strips, Particle Photon Temp/sensors - BRUH Sensor Nodes, Security Cams and iBeacons, and just started playing with Xiaomi sensors and switches and plan to add some z-wave as well. This has probably been 6 months in the making
The Community here is great and always offering to help. Start with simple components and simple automation, then enhance those as different scenarios arise.
It drives my wife made, but everytime some event happens in the house, I think about how I could automate some aspect of it and hand it over to HA to deal with.

Good luck and enjoy the journey

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Thanks, everybody.

While still a bit daunting, I think you’ve inspired me to purchase the Pi and at least the equipment needed to get one smart switch running. And from there, hopefully, I’ll expand after I learn a bit.

I appreciate all the insight and am looking forward, even if a bit apprehensively, to what’s to come.

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Same here. Big wife complain is the light staying on if someone is inside without moving (much).

I have a simple automation, with pir sensor triggered turn on light for 5 minutes.

Which arrangement you have?

This was my 1st real automation… Bathroom lights on with motion and off with no motion via a z-wave motion detector and hue gu10 bulbs. I could make it simpler etc, but it works for me. Plus one to only have a dimmed light if it is a certain time of night, i.e. to get up for a pee at 3am :slight_smile:so you aren’t blinded. You can follow the automation very easily

- alias: Bathroom lights on motion
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.bathroom_sensor
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    condition: and
    - condition: time
      after: '06:00:00'
      before: '01:00:00'
    - condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.bathroom_luminance
      below: 15
    service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.bathroom
      brightness: 255

- alias: Bathroom lights off
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.bathroom_sensor
    from: 'on'
    to: 'off'
      minutes: 2
    condition: state
    entity_id: light.bathroom  
    state: 'on'
    service: light.turn_off
      entity_id: light.bathroom
- alias: Bathroom light over night
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.bathroom_sensor
    to: 'on'
    condition: time
    after: '01:00:00'
    before: '06:00:00'
     service: light.turn_on
     entity_id: light.bathroom_3
       brightness: 10   

So it looks like the very first alias is the sensor…when the sensor triggers from off to on, it performs the action which is turning the bathroom lights on to 255 brightness? And if the condition is met (between those times and it’s less than “15” brightness in the room)?

The next alias turns the lights off if the bathroom sensor isn’t triggered for 2 minutes.

The last alias is the nighttime version - turning the lights on at a brightness of 10 w/ movement but between those hours?

Thanks for the example and again for your time. My Raspberry Pi is getting delivered today and the SD card tomorrow so I’m excited to tinker this weekend.

Yep pretty much. Good luck it is very addictive…

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I’ll chime in as a completely new user to this all and as someone who has several “basic” posts floating around.

It’s overwhelming but fun and the advice about taking it slow is probably the most important. It’s easy to get excited about everything you can do and then start confusing yourself, making mistakes and not catching simple mistakes you’re making.

I surf this forum a lot, just reading and trying to become familiar with the context and terms, etc.

The biggest challenge I’ve has personally is understanding and building yaml constructs.

If I can’t learn it - that’s that, right? No, it’s not. This forum is full of folks that are very helpful. It’s sometimes a feeling of guilt or embarrassment to post asking for help, but many folks are happy to help!

The other thing to be careful of is the hardware you use. I still can’t figure it out, but there doesn’t appear to be a “go-to” zwave or zigbee brand/product/hardware for lights, motions or switches, etc. The hardware you choose can change your experience in getting it to work in HASS.

Lastly, blogs of some great diy and home automation folks - they are treasures! They really help you understand the what and how and often share their scripts.

Some that I follow:

Good luck! See you around!