Beginner Harmony Questions

I’ve been looking for a lot and it’s great!
It’s true that I am completely beginner but I see great potential.

I will be grateful for any help - in total, where to start ?!

My idea is - I have Logitech Harmony HUB, I would like to use a tablet with Android (or RaspPi) to create a simple “table” with buttons to turn on and off lights at home (my bulbs are not integrated with any Hue system, etc. have IR triggers on / off which are set as separate programs / devices from Harmony and later assigned to keys on the remote)

The most important question is whether you can do this by using ONLY an Android tablet? - ultimately, to hang on the wall so that you can light up quickly

Next - can it work on Android to launch a “table” with “KIOSK” type buttons on the dashboard?

If I did not “fit” the right subject, I am very sorry to ask you for a transfer to the beginner’s department - if it is so?

you should start by getting a working version of home assistant. Then add each component until you have what you want. You can create custom panels using the custom UI or appdaemons hass dashboard. Both can be challenging.

This is all possible and there are dozens of ways to get there.

No these dashboards are presented through browsers. Chrome or Firefox should work.

No clue what that is.

Loads of different ways to do your ‘kiosk’, just search and read as much as you can.

HA can be controlled from any browser but it’ll need something to actually run on, an rpi is the easiest to get started.

Just be sure to start slow, learning the basics and the rest will come. If you just try to go straight for an end result like you’re suggesting you’ll just end up frustrated.

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Thank You verry much for your answers!
I got my RaPi today, and will start to make a World easier with Home Asssistant :smiley:

I did get the RasPi 3 B+ but cant get no clue what’s the difference between: & Hassbian (so, I cant install on my PasPi3B+?) is more of a hand’s off approach to home assistant. You won’t have to muck with the OS. Hassbian is for users who want a linux based cmd. uses docker as well, so it behaves differently. I’m not versed very well in the OS’s, so everything I say here is my interpretation of the differences. A more experienced OS user may be able to answer the questions more clearly.

You couldn’t but you can now…

If you have to ask you almost certainly want to go hassio as it will save most of your hair and revolves more around logic than having to know how to code.