I get a value from my heating for the consumption of the last 24 hours in kWh. At 00:00 the consumption of the last day is displayed for 24 hours. So it is not a real high-counting counter. This is displayed for heat, hot water, and total (3 sensors via MQTT). I failed to integrate the sensor in the energy dashboard. How can I realize this, do I first have to create a “virtual sensor” in which the daily consumption is added step by step?
It doesn’t work that way, it always shows 0 kWh in the dashboard:
- name: "WTC Verbrauch Vortag gesamt"
state_topic: "ioBroker/weishaupt-wem/0/WTC-G/Tageswärmemenge(Vortag)GesamtWE0"
icon: "mdi:gas-station"
device_class: gas
state_class: total
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"