Hello everyone! Please bear with the lengthy post, I am completely new to Home Assistant and I would like to get some information from you guys in the community before I dive right in. If there is a better place to ask questions please let me know, I was informed that the Home Assistant community is great so I figured I’d post on here and ask!
So from the top, I am installing Home Assistant on a Ubuntu Server system using a guide I found online. I have a few main goals with Home Assistant, and the main idea here is that I can continue to build onto the system once it is in place, and add/remove/customize items as I see fit.
The first system I have to install is the thermostat, which is the most crucial part of the smart home in my setup. The thermostat in question is the Lennox iComfort S30. It’s basically an Android tablet mounted on the wall that connects via Wi-Fi and is not listed as compatible with Home Assistant in any way, due to its proprietary software. However, it IS compatible with Apple’s HomeKit, and from what I’ve read, HomeKit is compatible with Home Assistant (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/homekit_controller/). So I guess my question here is whether or not I can configure the thermostat via HomeKit on an iPhone connected to the local network, and then pair it to the Home Assistant? Theoretically I would like to remove the iPhone from the system entirely once it is integrated, as I have a separate LAN network for my Home Assistant/automation hardware.
Finally, I have one other thing that I would like to integrate, being some IP cameras that I set up on a few Raspberry Pi’s. I use motionEyeOS on the RPis, and a USB camera on one, and Pi-connector camera on the other. They work perfectly fine on their own, but I cannot find any documentation as to how it could be installed into Home Assistant, other than this GitHub page: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-motioneye, which claims that local cameras (referring to those connected to the RPis) cannot be used to send images to the Home Assistant software, which would render this entire thing pointless, as the goal here is to have it all managed from one app. There is a streaming URL that is encrypted with a username and password, and it outputs an image that refreshes around 15 times per second, (not 100% sure on that, and it is variable so I could turn it up/down as needed) that I think could be integrated to Home Assistant? For now I am not concerned with motion detection on Home Assistant, because I already have notifications set up in motionEye to send me alerts when motion is detected, but I would like to use some face identification addons in the future.
Finally, the easy parts that I am most excited for is the integration with my home SoundTouch systems – this looks really simple and straightforward, and PERFECT!!
Thank you all in advance for your help! I greatly appreciate it.