I am completely new (amateur/noob) in this home assistant and am sure you are all were at some stage in the past.
Where did you start? Is there any websites you think good for all the noobs out there (like me) to read or good videos to watch or even books to read?
I came from IT background, but in saying that I have no idea or clue whatsoever about YAML nor JSON nor … pretty much everything that has been mentioned on HA but I’m willing to learn.
I’ve been self educating myself by watching Videos in YouTube from DIY Automation and I found the videos were great for beginners … it started with Install, configuration.yaml, entity, view/group … so far I’m quite following.
But yeah, is there any other sources where I can absorb? Something like ‘how do I automate in HA if the body sensor detects a movement and weather sensor predicts sun will rise at 7 am then do not switch on the light elseif it detects a movement and weather sensor predicts sun will set at 6 pm then switch on the light elseif it detects a movement and time is between 11 pm and 5 am then switch on the light (and dim to 30%)’ … is it IFTTT in HA or is it something else? Where do I start creating recipe in HA?
‘how do I link what I’ve done in HA in the mobile phone? can I control it from outside when I’m not at home?’
I believe I need something call Let’s Encrypt and DuckDNS for this?
I mean I don’t need all these questions answered in this particular thread … I guess I am just after pointers or website to go to to self educate myself before asking some stupid amateurish questions.
Something along the line like that … I hope you guys can relate where I’m coming from and hoping for feedback. TIA !!!
It’s like learning to ride a bike. Takes a while to get your balance, and then suddenly off you go and you wonder why you found it so hard when you started.
Exactly as @anon43302295 said watch the youtube videos they will show you lots, Couple of guy’s have full series on how to use the system. I watched as many things as I could. The other major thing is learn how to make sure your yaml are right. Double check then check again since a bad line can make the whole system shutdown. I know people have shared sites you can use to check your config but at this time I can’t recall them. I am sure the wise and powerful google can find them fast.
also don’t be afraid to read lots on the forum. I have spent so much time reading different things, also don’t be afraid to ask. Most people are more then willing to offer advice and help out.
the search feature of this forum has got me to answers/understanding at least as frequently as the docs. Often complete solutions and yaml scripts by HASS user are tucked away in seemingly unassuming posts, along with some great layman explanations. Good luck!
I find notepad++ to be pisspoor, and prefer Visual Studio Code for everything. Don’t try to configure yaml via ssh and nano/vim, you will just get frustrated (unless you are proficient with either of those editors).
Just take your time and only make small changes, then test. If you add a bunch of stuff, then try to run it, and it fails, you will not know where you messed up.
I absolutely agree. HA has a very steep learning curve. Very few info on concepts, keywords and the like. What is a “card”, “platform”, “trigger”, an “alias”, “action” “entity” , “entity_id” an many more things. What is the relation between them all.
Also in what configuration files can I find the edits that are made in the lovelace interface. And this is just a small sample of questions that I have after having looked at my novice install.
Don’t forget to use the Home Assistant documentation. It’s full of explanations and examples. Lot of members and developers are working to keep it up to date.
Same here! I’m very much new to HA and not a programmer at all. Problem is you don’t know what you don’t know. There’s very good videos on getting started / set up but then it’s almost assumed you’d figure it out from there. there’s snippets everywhere like this guy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2gyzKcHbYfqoXA5xbyGXtQ for instance as well as JuanMTech and of course https://drzzs.com/ and many others so I guess well just have to muddle through and try to eventually put all the pieces together to get the bigger picture… So, if there’s anyone out there that can assist us noobs, it would be hugely appreciated!
Cheers from way down under
“cards” , “badges” , “elements”, “entity” , “panel” , “device” , “service” are just a couple concepts of which I do not see the underlying relation.
Then I used a device that used the platform “mitemp_bt” and that has some ?attributes? temperature / humidity / battery .
I am trying to use a couple of homemade MQTT devices that send out also multiple sensor values like **network / cpu / 1-5-15 load / etc ** . How can I do this ? Should I create something like a platform
or a template and if so how?
“cards”, " badges" , “panel” you just can ignore. That is just for the interface, nothing to do with automation. Although some people are more occupied with the interface then with the automation.
Devices have entities, and entities can have attributes. If you want to create an entity from the attribute of another entity, you need a template (sensor, switch, …)
Where are you now after three years? I am now where you were in your first post here.
Recently I installed Home Assistant on a Pi, primarily to use Ad Guard Home. Since that was really easy to do I started wondering what else there is.
Since I don’t have any intelligent light switches or anything I tried get Home Assistant to register if my phone (which was added automaticly when I installed the HA-app) is at home or not. No luck so far…
Tips are welcome because the learning curve is still very steep.