Belgium digital water meter DSMR integration question

After years of using domoticz, I have taken the step towards home assistant. I am not very familiar with it yet and first did a good search on this forum and others. I live in Belgium and I have a digital water meter that transmits values via my digital electricitycounter. In domoticz I also got Elek + GAS + Water info via my USB → P1 cable.

This does not work with via HA. I use the DSMR integration and get Elek and Gas but not the water info.

Looking at the log of my P1 signal, this is the info from my water meter:


because this corresponds to the instantaneous meter reading on the water meter


Through which integration is there already support for the Belgian digital water meter or is there another option?

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Did you look at:

Yes, but i dont use p1 monitor. Even if i do they also dont read the watermeter via P1.

It must be possible direct via DSMR integration. But it seams they dont take the watermeter info out of the P1 stream.

Any updates on this topic? I also need the same integration.

Digital water meter sends the readings to digital electricity meter, and it should be possible to get them from P1 port of the electricity meter, right?

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+1 Not getting water readings. The digital water meters are linked to the digital electricity meters, the electricity meters do provide the water readings but the integration does not seem to fetch them.

any updates for the water meter ?

works fine here tru esphome after changing and adding some stuff :smiley: