🍦 Benelux Ice Cream Vans

Hi all! :wave:

I’ve developed an integration that lets you track the proximity of ice cream vans using data from public APIs of various ice cream companies.

If you’re in Belgium or the Netherlands, you can now set up a distance sensor in Home Assistant to know when your favourite ice cream van is nearby, making sure you never miss out on a delicious treat. :icecream:

This is my first integration, so I’m really looking forward to your feedback and suggestions. If you have any ideas for improvements or additional features, I’d love to hear them.

You can check out the repository here: GitHub - studiojw/ice-cream-benelux-ha: This integration for Home Assistant provides a distance sensor using data from various ice cream companies' public APIs.


Not something I can use, but this is a pretty cool integration, got me looking for ways to track the ice cream vans in the UK, but don’t think that will happen anytime soon lol.