Bermuda BLE not detecting esp32

Absolute newby here

I have an DIGISHUO 2Pcs ESP-WROOM-32 ESP32 ESP-32S Development Board 2.4GHz Dual-Mode WiFi + Bluetooth Dual Cores Microcontroller Processor Integrated with Antenna RF AMP Filter AP STA for Arduino IDE

It was working under MQTT but when I tried to transition to Bermuda BLE , it is not discoverable by Bermuda. Here is the configuration

  name: comproom
  friendly_name: CompRoom

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "OJvysHAY4M3UZjd6vuQdPK5Ab8nVwpps6MIKt6ZPRiI="

  - platform: esphome
    password: "a66172acd6cbafcb4eec6b29454e397f"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Comproom Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "i0fPz3X0JxCS"

# Enable logging
  active: true  

    active: True # Whether to send scan-request packets to devices to gather more info (like devicename)
    interval: 320ms # suggested 211ms # default 320ms
    window:   300ms # suggested 120ms # default 30ms

Iā€™m not sure where to start to diagnose this error. I would appreciate it if anyone could spare some time to get me started.



Did you add the esp device to home assistant?

I can see it on the network but cannot see it under settings/divices and settings/ devices to add it.

This is the log off the esp32 which indicates everything is ok?

thank you,

INFO ESPHome 2024.12.4
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/comproom.yaml...
INFO Starting log output from 192.168.xx.xx using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to comproom @ 192.168.xx.xx in 0.025s
INFO Successful handshake with comproom @ 192.168.xx.xx in 0.114s
[18:04:40][I][app:100]: ESPHome version 2024.12.4 compiled on Jan 26 2025, 00:05:36
[18:04:40][C][wifi:600]: WiFi:
[18:04:40][C][wifi:428]:   Local MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[18:04:40][C][wifi:433]:   SSID: 'xxxx[redacted]
[18:04:40][C][wifi:436]:   IP Address: 192.168.xx.xx
[18:04:40][C][wifi:440]:   BSSID: 1xx]
[18:04:40][C][wifi:441]:   Hostname: 'comproom'
[18:04:40][C][wifi:443]:   Signal strength: -35 dB ā–‚ā–„ā–†ā–ˆ
[18:04:40][C][wifi:447]:   Channel: 3
[18:04:40][C][wifi:448]:   Subnet:
[18:04:40][C][wifi:449]:   Gateway: 192.168.xx.xx
[18:04:40][C][wifi:450]:   DNS1: 192.168.xx.xx
[18:04:40][C][wifi:451]:   DNS2:
[18:04:40][C][logger:185]: Logger:
[18:04:40][C][logger:186]:   Level: DEBUG
[18:04:40][C][logger:188]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[18:04:40][C][logger:189]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[18:04:40][C][bluetooth_proxy:091]: Bluetooth Proxy:
[18:04:40][C][bluetooth_proxy:092]:   Active: YES
[18:04:40][C][bluetooth_proxy:093]:   Connections: 3
[18:04:40][C][bluetooth_proxy:094]:   Raw advertisements: NO
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble:418]: ESP32 BLE:
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble:420]:   MAC address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble:421]:   IO Capability: none
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble_tracker:661]: BLE Tracker:
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble_tracker:662]:   Scan Duration: 300 s
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble_tracker:663]:   Scan Interval: 320.0 ms
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble_tracker:664]:   Scan Window: 300.0 ms
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble_tracker:665]:   Scan Type: ACTIVE
[18:04:40][C][esp32_ble_tracker:666]:   Continuous Scanning: True
[18:04:40][C][captive_portal:089]: Captive Portal:
[18:04:40][C][mdns:116]: mDNS:
[18:04:40][C][mdns:117]:   Hostname: xxxxx
[18:04:40][C][esphome.ota:073]: Over-The-Air updates:
[18:04:41][C][esphome.ota:074]:   Address: cxxxx
[18:04:41][C][esphome.ota:075]:   Version: 2
[18:04:41][C][esphome.ota:078]:   Password configured
[18:04:41][C][safe_mode:018]: Safe Mode:
[18:04:41][C][safe_mode:020]:   Boot considered successful after 60 seconds
[18:04:41][C][safe_mode:021]:   Invoke after 10 boot attempts
[18:04:41][C][safe_mode:023]:   Remain in safe mode for 300 seconds
[18:04:41][C][api:140]: API Server:
[18:04:41][C][api:141]:   Address: xxxxxx
[18:04:41][C][api:143]:   Using noise encryption: YES

oh, I can see it in esphome builder but it somethines shows as offline . These ss where taken a few minutes apart

You need to add it.

If it is not auto detected, click on devices and services, add integration, choose esphome, proceed from there.

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Thankyou @nickrout that put me on the right track!