Best hardware to run HA on

I’m running HA on a NUK in Proxmox.
It seems every time I shut down HA, shut down Proxmox and restart everything and reboot my network, all my Zigbee devices must be re-paired.
Should I consider different hardware?

In order for someone to provide help, more info is needed

  1. What HA installation method? HAOS?
  2. Which Zigbee coordinator?
  3. ZHA, Zigbee2MQTT?
  4. Why the need to shut down often?

I wouldn’t think that your NUC is the problem

How do you reboot a network? Doesn’t make any sense.

Home remodeling. Electricians need to kill power.
I shutdown HA, then Proxmox which shuts down NUC. Then the network gets powered off. It is usually down for a few hours at a time.

The devices are Aqara motion and door sensors


Do you mean the zigbee network is closed down? It should fix itself eventually.

I’m not sure what you mean by the zigbee network is closed down.
My entire network goes down… I suppose that includes zigbee network… Right?

Yes it does. You can wait till the network restores itself, or re-pair your battery powered devices.

Oh I didn’t know it can repsir itself.
I can simply start everything up and all should come back without my doing anything? How long can that typically take?