Best option for creating a graph like the energy dashboard

I want to create a graph with the same options as the energy dashboard to track the hours of activation of my boiler.


  • Buttom to select the range of timeto be visualizad : 1d, 7d, 1M, 6M , 1y
  • Changing the period of each bar according to the rage of time: 1D–> hour, 7d,1M–>day, 6M–>1y: Month

something like this but simpier, with 5 buttons to select predefined time ranges:

SO far I have tried wiht plotly graphs, but is not working properly , as explined in this other topic:

I have also checked appexchart but I didn’t find any option to dinamically change the time range and period of a bar graphs.

It seems very strange not having this option natively in HA , as it’s working in the energy dashboard but , does anybody how to do a graph like that?


You can use the energy dashboard cards in your own dashboards, including the date picker.

Thanks, but one question. I want to use this graph to track the unit “h”, that is how I’m tracking my heating system consumption. Is it possible to configure these graphs with a measurement with h units? I thought you could only use kWh or energy units.

Ok, I just checked your proposed solution and that cards are just a replic of the energy dashboard card. You can not configure them for another entity, indeed they don’t even have a config option, they use the same entities as the dashboard, so it’s not a solution for my problem.

Maybe this is an option