Best practice - deactivate/override motion detection

Hi there,

I’m using Home Assistant in combination with KNX Hardware.

Therefore I use Motion Detection in every room, which normally controls my lights.
But I also want to have the possibility, to control them by myself.

For this i have to:

  1. deactivate / lock the motion detection sensor
  2. after that I can control the light

It would be nice, to see the state of lock. Perhaps it is still locked and a toggle would deactivate the locking → reactivate the motion detection instead of leave it deactivated.

The entity of the lock is a button (e.g. “button.eg_deele_pm_sperren”). As far as I know, it is only possible, to toggle the button. Without seeing the status.

Or do I think to complicated?


Hi :wave:!
Why don’t you use a switch or select entity for the lock instead?

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How can I transfer the Button to a Switch?
Switch would be best I think.

Delete the button, add the switch :person_shrugging:

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