Best Practice - Renaming Devices?

I am simply swapping TPLINK plugs for two devices. What is the best way to do this without making a mess of things?

One is a lamp and the other is a 3D Printer - I am swapping the two.

So you are saying you are just switching which of two existing plugs controls which device?

if so then just rename one of the two plugs to a temporary entity_id, then change the entity_id of the second to the old entity_id of the first then change the entity_id of the first to the old entity_id of the second.

Friendly names don’t matter. You can have two things with the same friendly names. just the entity_ids need to be unique.

After the entity_ids are re-configured then you can change the friendly names to whatever you want. Or even at the same time. It doesn’t matter.

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Thanks so much! Just better to be on the safe side. : )

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