Hi, I am new and have a absolute basic question.
I receive the impulses from an Eltako DSZD15 energy counter in my home assistant. Each impulse is 1/100 kWh. I only get an impulse, not the current state of the energy counter, so each MQTT message has the value “1”.
Now I want to keep track of the energy counters total count by starting with a value in home assistant and each impulse increases this value by 0,001 kWh.
In the end, I want to be able to see power usage in a graph and the power usage by minute, hour, day, week, month, year etc.
So the basic questions are:
What is the best practice to keep the state of the energy counter in home assistant?
What do I need to do, to be able to answer questsions like: “What was the power usage per day last week”?
Thanks for any help.