Hey all! I’m in the process of putting together a dashboard for a new wall tablet/panel using Minimalist UI. I was wondering, what’s a good practice for doing this - buying the tablet first and testing (for alignment, etc) as you build out the dashboard? Or is there another way to test (developer tools maybe?)?
I ask because I’ve spent a few days putting the dashboard together and it looks good on my laptop! But a quick test on my iPad showed that some cards could be placed a bit better.
My two cts on using a tablet located on a wall for my family to use
the tablets are usually ‘small’ (10/11" or even smaller) so only put information on that you really need. Less is clearly more … If people need to come closer and focus then it has lost its purpose (so it did for me)
it needs to be informative, no one (well) cares about statistics on a generic tablet
when passing-by, if you want attention, only show warnings when they are there, i.e. the tablet should show different content with warnings, coloring an icon may help but then it needs to really stand out, my warnings are condiional cards and cover a.o. mailbox/pool/garage/printer/severe-weather/garbagebin and they only show when needed and all warning-cards show always in the same column
I am using mine to show a camera-stream when motion is detected but on a windy day this can mean screens changing every 10s, quite annoying…in short: keep the screen stable wrt to brightness /content