Been running Home Assistant for a few weeks now. I feel like I have a decent handle on things, and have managed to set up quite a few useful automations, scripts, etc. One thing I’d like to do is set up repeat reminders for specific events until I acknowledge them in some way.
One example (without acknowledgement needed) I have a garage fridge temp sensor. If it goes above 40 degrees, I get an alert. I’d like it to continue to send me alerts every 30 minutes until the temp drops below 40 degrees.
Another example: If my doors are opened or motion is detected while I’m away, I get an alert. I want this to continue to alert me every hour until I acknowledge the alert. Bonus, I might work on turning off the automation for this until the alert is acknowledged. Right now I get repeat alerts every time motion is detected, so it can be like 5 alerts every minute, etc. I just have not gotten around to fine tuning this one for the multiple alerts, but I think the acknowledging would be integral for this.
So what do other people do for this sort of thing?
Take a look at the alert component?
So looking at the example, this should work, right?
name: Garage is open
done_message: Garage is closed
entity_id: cover.garage_door_opener
state: 'open'
repeat: 5
can_acknowledge: True
skip_first: True
- notify.ios_my_iphone
And this for the Garage Fridge temp
This in my configuration.yaml
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.centralite_3300s_03fed0e3_1_1026_temperature') | float > 40.0 }}"
and this as my alert
name: Fridge Temp above 40 degreees
done_message: Fridge temp is now less than 40 degrees
entity_id: garage_fridge_warm
state: 'on'
- 15
- 30
- 60
can_acknowledge: True
skip_first: True
- notify.ios_my_iphone
I am not getting alerts. Tried this one
name: Fridge Temp above 40 degreees
done_message: Fridge temp is now less than 40 degrees
entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_fridge_warm
state: 'on'
- 15
- 30
- 60
can_acknowledge: True
skip_first: True
- notify.ios_my_iphone
I get other alerts to ‘notify.ios_my_iphone’
Am I doing something wrong?
Remove ‘notify.’ from the start, so the last line is just
- ios_my_phone
Awesome. That worked. Now. How do i acknowledge the alert in HA?
In addition to my alert:
name: Garage Door is still open!
entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_door_sensor
state: 'off' # Optional, 'on' is the default value
repeat: 5
can_acknowledge: true # Optional, default is true
skip_first: true # Optional, false is the default
- mypushbullet
I have created a group that includes both, the status of the sensor and the alert:
name: Open / Close Sensor
- binary_sensor.garage_door_sensor
- alert.garage_door_open_long
The option to dismiss the alert only shows up when the garage door is actually open:

If the garage door is closed the option to dismiss the alert is not visible.
This has noting to do with fancy programming; that’s just how it worked for me.
Please notice that I have a Reed Switch as my binary sensor and I configured it as follows:
- platform: rpi_gpio
18: Garage Door Sensor
invert_logic: true
If you use another kind of sensor you might have to set it up slightly differently.
It might be as simple as changing the state: 'off'
shown in my alert to state: 'on'
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