Best practices for sharing with spouse/family?

What’s the recommended option to share HA with wife and kids? I’m guessing I need to install the app of each phone but then do you then create individual user accounts for each? And do you allow login access? Also,

I use user accounts per person, and select per dashboard tab, who can access it.

I am attempting to do the same thing as Abbas Ali.

Are the steps as follows:

  1. Each family member installs HA on their Iphones

  2. I then establish each family member as a person under the people setting on my account/phone with permission to login, a username they will use, and a password.

  3. Once they have downloaded HA onto their iphones, logged in individually, and all the tracking is properly set up with the iphone for location, do I then merge them together in a group on my account/phone?

How do I create a group of people in the UI so that I can start to set up automations like if everyone is not home then…

Thank you.