I have an automation that controls outdoor lighting based on motion detection, illuminance (lux) level, and a timer. The lights should only turn on when it is sufficiently dark (lux < 15), and they will return to the previous state after a defined period (40 seconds). A new movement shall reset the timer.
I have a problem that one or more lights sometimes (couple of times every evening) have the brightness at 100. My best guess is that the states are not saved in the scene before the lights are turned on by the automation.
I also have a boolean that says when the action is in progress. (input_boolean.scene_garage_light_save_in_progress). So that the scene is not saved while the 100 brightness is on.
How can I make sure that the states are saved before going further and turn on lights?
I have, for debugging purposes, added a 4 seconds delay. But the issue still occurs.
alias: Rörelsebelysning med lux, timer och kontroll av brytare
description: ""
- entity_id:
- binary_sensor.hue_outdoor_bjorken_motion
- binary_sensor.hue_motion_sensor_2_occupancy
- input_boolean.virtuell_rorelsesensor
to: "on"
trigger: state
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.hue_outdoor_bjorken_illuminance
below: 15
- data:
message: Rörelse upptäckt - Automation startad
level: info
action: system_log.write
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.scene_garage_light_save_in_progress
state: "off"
- data:
message: Scen sparas - Input_boolean är 'off'
level: info
action: system_log.write
- data:
scene_id: before_motion
- light.muren
- light.takfot_entre_both
- light.pollare_entre
- light.garage_tuar
- light.garage_stralkastare
- light.switch_entre_pollare_aqara_t1_light
action: scene.create
- delay: "00:00:04"
- data:
message: Scen 'before_motion' sparad
level: info
action: system_log.write
- target:
entity_id: input_boolean.scene_garage_light_save_in_progress
action: input_boolean.turn_on
data: {}
- data:
message: >-
Input_boolean 'scene_garage_light_save_in_progress' satt till
level: info
action: system_log.write
- target:
- light.muren
- light.garage_stralkastare
brightness_pct: 100
- 255
- 252
- 234
action: light.turn_on
- data:
message: >
"RGB-lampor tända: - muren: brightness {{ state_attr('light.muren',
'brightness') }}, color {{ state_attr('light.muren', 'rgb_color') }} -
strålkastare: brightness {{ state_attr('light.garage_stralkastare',
'brightness') }}, color {{ state_attr('light.garage_stralkastare',
'rgb_color') }}"
level: info
action: system_log.write
- target:
- light.takfot_entre_both
- light.pollare_entre
- light.garage_tuar
- light.switch_entre_pollare_aqara_t1_light
brightness_pct: 100
kelvin: 2200
action: light.turn_on
- data:
message: >
"Kelvin-lampor tända: {% for light in ['light.takfot_entre_both',
'light.pollare_entre', 'light.garage_tuar',
'light.switch_entre_pollare_aqara_t1_light'] %} - {{ light }}:
brightness {{ state_attr(light, 'brightness') }}, color_temp {{
state_attr(light, 'color_temp') }} {% endfor %}"
level: info
action: system_log.write
- target:
entity_id: timer.light_timer_motion_bjorken2
duration: "00:00:40"
action: timer.start
- data:
message: Timer startad eller återställd till 40 sekunder
level: info
action: system_log.write
- target:
entity_id: input_boolean.virtuell_rorelsesensor
action: input_boolean.turn_off
data: {}
mode: restart
alias: Rörelsebelysning - Återställ belysning efter timer
description: ""
- event_type: timer.finished
entity_id: timer.light_timer_motion_bjorken2
trigger: event
- data:
message: Timer avslutad - Startar återställning av scen
level: info
action: system_log.write
- data:
message: >
"Lampornas tillstånd före scenåterställning: {% for light in
['light.muren', 'light.garage_stralkastare', 'light.takfot_entre_both',
'light.pollare_entre', 'light.garage_tuar',
'light.switch_entre_pollare_aqara_t1_light'] %} - {{ light }}: state {{
states(light) }}, brightness {{ state_attr(light, 'brightness') }},
color {{ state_attr(light, 'rgb_color') or state_attr(light,
'color_temp') }} {% endfor %}"
action: system_log.write
- data:
entity_id: scene.before_motion
action: scene.turn_on
- data:
message: Scen 'before_motion' återställd
level: info
action: system_log.write
- delay: "00:00:01"
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: light.garage_stralkastare
state: "on"
- data:
message: >-
VARNING: Strålkastaren är fortfarande tänd efter
level: warning
action: system_log.write
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.motion_notification
state: "on"
- action: notify.mobile_app_slip16pro
title: "Varning: Strålkastare fortfarande på"
message: >-
Strålkastaren är fortfarande tänd efter
scenåterställning. Kontrollera belysningen.
- data:
message: >
"Lampornas tillstånd efter scenåterställning: {% for light in
['light.muren', 'light.garage_stralkastare', 'light.takfot_entre_both',
'light.pollare_entre', 'light.garage_tuar',
'light.switch_entre_pollare_aqara_t1_light'] %} - {{ light }}: state {{
states(light) }}, brightness {{ state_attr(light, 'brightness') }},
color {{ state_attr(light, 'rgb_color') or state_attr(light,
'color_temp') }} {% endfor %}"
action: system_log.write
- target:
entity_id: input_boolean.scene_garage_light_save_in_progress
action: input_boolean.turn_off
data: {}
- data:
message: Input_boolean 'scene_garage_light_save_in_progress' satt till 'off'
level: info
action: system_log.write
mode: single