I have been enjoying home assistant for the past year or so, but I haven’t necessarily kept up with all of the new “best” ways to do things.
Mainly, the question is about the format of templates and sensors. I know that there is a legacy way and a new way, and that we dont necessarily have to migrate, but I’m having issues growing my platform when I have examples of both going on, and I want to embark on a cleanup migration process to get things squeaky clean.
I am pasting some of my files down below… can someone suggest the “best” way to organize my custom sensors and yaml files so I can future proof myself to stay organized?
Right now, my configuration.yaml looks like this:
customize: !include customize.yaml
currency: USD
# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
# Text-to-speech
- platform: google_translate
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
template: !include_dir_merge_list templates/
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
- name: Bedroom Humidity
humidifier: input_boolean.humidifier_call_switch
target_sensor: sensor.bedroom_temp_humidity
target_humidity: 50
dry_tolerance: 5
wet_tolerance: 5
device_class: "humidifier"
seconds: 5
- platform: usgs_earthquakes_feed
feed_type: "past_hour_m45_earthquakes"
radius: 6300
minimum_magnitude: 4.5
latitude: 17.00000
longitude: -30.00000
- name: txt_dad
platform: smtp
server: smtp.gmail.com
port: 587
timeout: 15
encryption: starttls
sender: ****redacted****
username: ****redacted****
password: ****redacted****
- ****redacted****
sender_name: ****redacted****
I think one of the first things that confuses me, is that I have template: ~include_dir_merge_list templates/
as well as sensor: !include sensors.yaml
In sensors.yaml, I have:
- platform: history_stats
type: time
name: Garage Doors Open Today
entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_any_door_open
state: "on"
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
- platform: template
friendly_name: Sun-window angular similarity
unit_of_measurement: "degrees"
value_template: >
{% set deg2rad = pi/180 %}
{% set sun_azi = state_attr('sun.sun', 'azimuth') | int %}
{% set sun_ele = state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') | int %}
{% set sun_x = cos(sun_azi*deg2rad)*cos(sun_ele*deg2rad) %}
{% set sun_y = sin(sun_azi*deg2rad)*cos(sun_ele*deg2rad) %}
{% set sun_z = sin(sun_ele*deg2rad) %}
{% set win_azi = 232.68 %}
{% set win_ele = 0 %}
{% set win_x = cos(win_azi*deg2rad)*cos(win_ele*deg2rad) %}
{% set win_y = sin(win_azi*deg2rad)*cos(win_ele*deg2rad) %}
{% set win_z = sin(win_ele*deg2rad) %}
{% set dot = sun_x*win_x + sun_y*win_y + sun_z*win_z %}
{% set norm_win = sqrt(win_x**2 + win_y**2 + win_z**2) %}
{% set norm_sun = sqrt(sun_x**2 + sun_y**2 + sun_z**2) %}
{% set cos_sim = dot/(norm_win*norm_sun) %}
{% set ang_sim = 1 - acos(cos_sim)/pi %}
{{ ((cos_sim * 100) | round(0)) if (sun_ele > 5 and cos_sim > 0 ) else 0 }}
In templates/sensor.yaml I have:
- sensor:
- name: days_until_next_feast_of_trumpets
device_class: duration
state: "{{ (states('input_datetime.next_feast_of_trumpets') | as_datetime | as_local | as_timestamp - today_at() | as_timestamp) // 86400.00 }}"
unit_of_measurement: d
- name: days_until_next_atonement
device_class: duration
state: "{{ (states('input_datetime.next_day_of_atonement') | as_datetime | as_local | as_timestamp - today_at() | as_timestamp) // 86400.00 }}"
- name: days_until_next_tabernacles
device_class: duration
state: "{{ (states('input_datetime.next_tabernacles') | as_datetime | as_local | as_timestamp - today_at() | as_timestamp) // 86400.00 }}"
- name: diff_attic_vs_house
state: >-
{% set a = states.sensor.loft_temperature.state|float %}
{% set lr = states.sensor.living_room_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set b = states.sensor.bedroom_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{{ [(a - lr), (a - b)] | min }}
unit_of_measurement: °F
- name: diff_house_rooms
state: >-
{% set k = states.sensor.kitchen_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set lr = states.sensor.living_room_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set br = states.sensor.bedroom_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set g = states.sensor.kids_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set o = states.sensor.office_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{{ ([k,lr,br,g,o] | max) - ([k,lr,br,g,o] | min) }}
unit_of_measurement: °F
- name: diff_kids_room
state: >-
{% set k = states.sensor.kitchen_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set lr = states.sensor.living_room_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set br = states.sensor.bedroom_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set g = states.sensor.kids_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{% set o = states.sensor.office_temp_temperature.state|float %}
{{ g - br }}
unit_of_measurement: °F
In templates/binary_sensor.yaml I have:
- binary_sensor:
- name: "Garage - Any Door Open"
state: >
{% if states('binary_sensor.garage_human_door_state') == 'on' or
states('binary_sensor.garage_door_mower_state') == 'on' or
states('binary_sensor.garage_door_middle_state') == 'on' or
states('binary_sensor.garage_boat_state') == 'on' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
device_class: garage_door
- name: "Kitchen Window Sun"
state: >
{% if (states('sensor.sun_window_ang_similarity')|float > 30) and (states('sensor.openweathermap_cloud_coverage')|float < 80) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- name: "Attic Fan Conditions"
state: >
{% set month = now().month | int %}
{% set front_porch_temp = states('sensor.front_porch_temperature') | float %}
{% set indoor_enthalpy = states('sensor.computed_indoor_moist_air_enthalpy') | float %}
{% set outdoor_enthalpy = states('sensor.computed_outdoor_moist_air_enthalpy') | float %}
{% set outdoor_dew_point = states('sensor.computed_outdoor_dew_point') | float %}
{% set airnow_aqi = states('sensor.airnow_aqi') | float %}
{% if 3 < month <= 10 and
40.0 < front_porch_temp < 74.0 and
(indoor_enthalpy > outdoor_enthalpy or outdoor_dew_point < 57) and
airnow_aqi < 101 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}