Best stock tracking integration currently... YahooFinance, Avanza_Stock?

I know there’s a Avanza_Stock integration from the HACS Store. I also know there’s a Yahoo Finance integration too. However, I read that Yahoo Finance is not being supported anymore.

Are there any better stock integrations? I’m looking for whatever is least likely to break and something with the most sensors/data available.

What did you end up with? Avanza hasn’t got UK stocks on so is a non-starter for me.

It seems l ike the yahoo finance continues to work as expected. The only thing I wish was if it could access my actual stocks on Robinhood website. Currently, I have to manually specify how much of each stock I own; and, it calculates accordingly. If i buy or sell, i have to manually update this each time.

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Couldn’t you create a calculation for this, so that you didn’t have to manually update?

@forrestrose below is the the solution I use. I have provided you with 2 stock examples. You can add more by following the code below. I only have to input the number of shares I own under input_number initial: value. For example, Tesla Shares

NOTE: You will have to manually change the number of shares you own after you sell/buy shares (change input_number initial value below).

    name: Tesla Shares
    min: 0
    max: 1000
    step: 0.000001
    initial: 2.061405
    name: Nvidia Shares
    min: 0
    max: 1000
    step: 0.000001
    initial: 0.551101

  - sensor:
      - name: Stocks Total Invested
        unit_of_measurement: "USD"
        state: >
          {{ (states('sensor.nvidia_market_value') | float(default=0)) +
             (states('sensor.tesla_market_value') | float(default=0)) +
          nvidia_value: "{{ states('sensor.nvidia_market_value') }}"
          tesla_value: "{{ states('sensor.tesla_market_value') }}"
      - name: "Tesla Market Value"
        unit_of_measurement: "USD"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla') | float(default=0)) * (states('input_number.tesla_shares') | float(default=0)) }}"
          icon: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'icon') }}"
          trending: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'trending') }}"
          marketState: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'marketState') }}"
          regularMarketChange: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'regularMarketChange') }}"
          regularMarketChangePercent: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'regularMarketChangePercent') }}"
          regularMarketDayHigh: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'regularMarketDayHigh') }}"
          regularMarketDayLow: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'regularMarketDayLow') }}"
          regularMarketPreviousClose: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'regularMarketPreviousClose') }}"
          regularMarketPrice: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'regularMarketPrice') }}"
          regularMarketVolume: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'regularMarketVolume') }}"
          regularMarketTime: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_tsla', 'regularMarketTime') }}"
      - name: "Nvidia Market Value"
        unit_of_measurement: "USD"
        state: "{{ (states('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda') | float(default=0)) * (states('input_number.nvidia_shares') | float(default=0)) }}"
          icon: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'icon') }}"
          trending: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'trending') }}"
          marketState: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'marketState') }}"
          regularMarketChange: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'regularMarketChange') }}"
          regularMarketChangePercent: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'regularMarketChangePercent') }}"
          regularMarketDayHigh: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'regularMarketDayHigh') }}"
          regularMarketDayLow: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'regularMarketDayLow') }}"
          regularMarketPreviousClose: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'regularMarketPreviousClose') }}"
          regularMarketPrice: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'regularMarketPrice') }}"
          regularMarketVolume: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'regularMarketVolume') }}"
          regularMarketTime: "{{ state_attr('sensor.yahoofinance_nvda', 'regularMarketTime') }}"

  show_trending_icon: true
    - TSLA
    - NVDA
    minutes: 1


In fact almost the exact code that I use–and yes manual to the share amount.
Thank you for sharing though, I like all the other state attributes.

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It’s too badI there just isn’t a good Robinhood Integration for Home Assistant. the only one I could find looks like a hack and might be blocked by RobinhoodI official API.