Looking for a washing machine that i can integrate with HA. (Don’t care if via HACS or Native)
Ideally should have at least power sensor and state (finihsed / running etc).
And most important ability to control washing machine from controls on front and via HA. (I saw one mentioned you had to use either the front or if you changed to app you lost front controls)
I’d like to be able to load washing machine then have HA kick off a wash at set times / when offpeak electricity overnight for example.
I’ve not attempted this myself directly (more below), but my feeling is to buy on the quality of the device itself, and not the possibilities of integration. As add-ons there are several examples of folk using:
energy monitoring plugs to track washing cycles (e.g. high load heating, pulsed for spin cycles)
photo diodes for non-invasive LED status monitoring
Switchbot-like button pushers for control
My personal experience is Samsung produces reasonable machines with long-ish service guarantees (often as an add-on special offer) with a decent field service team (hence the suggestion of an inclusive warranty - you might need it).
Samsung software on the other hand, is utter trash . The Android app looks only to work on Samsung phones in Korea on Wednesdays with a full moon! I just didn’t attempt any automation after seeing how bad their own offerings were with a current Google Pixel trying to connect to diagnose a fault with the backing of their UK support team on the line.
The good news is the Matter specification v1.2 has been released adding new device types including “Laundry Machines”
Laundry Washers – Progress notifications, such as cycle completion, can be sent via Matter. Dryers will be supported in a future Matter release.
So in a few years, things might “just work”. (But only on a Wednesday, in Korea! )
But the real issue is, you cant control the machine in HA at all. Even if you turn the function on everytime on the machine (like you have to when using the smartthings app) you cant start the cycle. I think you can start the cycle from smartthings, so you could maybe do something hacky with a virtual switch in smarthings that starts an automation when in smartthings when the switch is tripped in HA.
I have seen a few posts that you can maybe send a message to the API but noone seems to have built anything that is easy to use.
Well, you had a lot more success than I - managing to at least get data OUT!
An older Samsung machine was supposed to flash LED digits in a way a phone app could decode fault codes, but the Pixel camera could not be accessed by the Samsung app (camera API fail?). Working out the button presses to get into service mode was easier.
My latest machine might have the same “Smartthings” yours has, but the thought of fiddling with Samsung software made me shudder (and that’s with wireshark / pcap experience).
There are other risks to consider - data exfiltration and firmware changes.
My Samsung 9000 series TV is supposed to work with a HASS integration, but a silent software update made HDMI CEC worse. Now, AdGuard shows just how determined the TV is to send information back to the mothership. Thankfully, blocking the tracking DNS entries hasn’t changed any visible functions.
Perhaps the German white goods manufactures might be more compliant with GDPR, but even Bosch couldn’t make a smart home platform a success (based on openHAB).
Or, stick with my 20 year old washing machine that has a delay start function (anywhere from 15 mins to 12 hours) and beeps to let you know if it is finished/has a fault etc.
Sometimes simpler is actually better LOL.
Normally i agree on simple == better, i would stick with my old one but the drum has ripped apart so this is being used as a chance to get a smart one rather than another dumb one.
But I dont like hacking my washer. I could DIY with smart plugs esp etc but it’ll look trash and i cant be bothered as i know i’ll not get time to sit and do it properly, i’d like data out. The downside to the simple delay is we go to be and no sooner than i’m comfortable i get asked did you set the washing machine / tumbler dryer so i have to get up and go check. and the delay is frustrating because dont want to have to look at the current time and then figure out is this delay the end or delay start… ah balls i’ll just choose 5am as that covers all bases.
I was looking at LG as they’re HACS looked interesting or maybe miele as they are good quality but in all honestly ease and depth of HA integration is actaully a big selling point for me.
Samsung has put me off as my expensive 4k tv wants to be smart and advertise so it lost internet privileges (i also use pihole).
great love it… not doing anything in ha with it atm other than stats. Plan is to load and set and if solar export > X then turn on else schedule for a 0600 finish.