Best way to automate bulbs and switches

Hi all, I am trying to automate light in my house. The main goal is to synchronize smart switches and bulbs (either smart or dumb). For example, an usual room has:

  1. Zigbee wall switch on entrance (dumb ceiling lamp connected)
  2. Zigbee wall switch on the bed headboard (no wired devices)
  3. Smart light on the bed’s table
  4. IKEA remote

If, for example, wall switch (1) is pressed and wired ceiling light is switched on: wall switch (2) should be turned “on” so its led will lit; smart light (3) should be turned on.
Remote (4) button pressed: wall switches (1) and (2) is toggled, expecting that they are in sync; smart light (3) is toggled or switched on or off according to switch (1)
Smart light (3) is turned on by some other automation: switches (1) and (2) should be turned on to match the state of smart light

Currently if I try to make simple automations like: “if switch (1) is on OR switch (2) is on OR smart light (3) is on THEN turn on switch (1); turn on switch (2); turn on smart light (3)” - it works but gives a lot of warnings in the log like this:

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.auto_bedroom_switches_on
Source: helpers/
Integration: Automation ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: 10:18:42 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:18:42 AM

Bedroom: Light Switches Group On: Already running

I am pretty sure it should be a better solution that checks state of each device before turning it on or off, or maybe even keep such group of devices “in sync” without separate automations?

Yes but this is mostly to maintain several light bulbs (and probably switches) as one logical unit. I don’t see any tools for synchronisation of their status “inside” group if one of the devices inside the group will trigger event because external action (for example a press to the physical switch)