I currently have my HA running on a HP ultra small form factor PC running in docker on Ubuntu Server. I am currently using a 250GB SSD which I would like to use for a different project. I have a 128 GB Samsung SSD which will be perfect so I tried to clone the entire drive using Clonezilla.
First I used Gparted live to reduce the partition size of the bigger drive to around 115GB then I booted from the Clonezilla live USB drive and performed the clone. Everything appeared to work OK but the new drive would not boot. I also tried Macrium Reflect from a rescue USB and again everything looked OK but I still couldn’t boot off the new drive.
Anyone have any other solutions for performing this task? I know I can do a clean install of Ubuntu Server then install HA & Docker and import a backup but I figured cloning would be the best option.
I ended doing a fresh installation of Ubuntu Server on the new smaller SSD then restoring a full snapshot that I made yesterday. Only issue was I had to uninstall then reinstall MariaDB which I already knew might be an issue.
Apart from having to remove the batteries from a couple of SmartThings sensors all was good and everything is back on line.
Tomorrows project is install the other SSD into my Hackintosh. I guess one good thing about staying indoors right now is I get to take care of all the projects I have been wanting to do lol
I wasted 1% of the new SATA SSD’s health and many hours of time when trying to get the system installed to a new drive using the official way… For one reason or another it didn’t work. Maybe reason is some compatibility problem with the current firmware of my machine. At the end I ended up following your advice and that worked fine. I think that I’ll save myself at next time and dont even try the official way. Thanks!
No. I upgraded the system memory and SSD of the host machine to new and bigger ones, so I had to transfer the system and my configs to the new ssd one way or another.