Best way to completely erase HA and start over?

I’m still using and patching version 0.92 and intend to keep on doing so as long as possible. The whole operating mode of updating every month and dealing with a bunch of breaking changes is not something I want to do.
But obviously it will be necessary to update at some point, so I’m thinking at this point the best way will be to just blow away my existing HA installation and start fresh from the bare OS when I have a few days to restore all the previous functionality and extensive links to Node Red, IFTTT etc.
What’s the best way to entirely remove HA and start over with no traces of the previous configuration? I know I can delete all the HA directories, but there’s stuff under Python too, right?

We can’t really tell you that without knowing how you have it installed right now.

Traditional HA on a dedicated bare bones Ubuntu server box, no docker, no VM.

in a virtual environment? (which is not the same as a VM…)

if so you should just be able to remove the venv and it will remove everything.

This should work:

enter the venv as if you were going to update your HA:

$ cd /srv/homeassistant

$ sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant 

then deactivate the venv:

$ deactivate

then remove the venv directory. Before you do the last command to remove all the directories under /srv/ make sure that there is only the “homeassistant” directory in there because the rm -r * deletes all sub folders under /srv/:

$ cd /srv/

$ sudo rm -r *
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Not a virtual environment. Home Assistant service running on top of Ubuntu running on hardware. This is a dedicated small server box.

Ah, ok. then I have no idea.

even when I installed my HA on my RPi originally I used the venv install since it was the recommended way of installing it. So I’m not sure where all the files go if you install directly on the OS.

have you looked at the install script you used to see what it is doing?

Other than that I have no idea where to find all of the separate pieces.

Good idea to look at the initial install script, thanks. Of course I’ve installed a number of additional components since then…