Best way to config multiple BRUH LED Strip lights?

Hi Guys,
I have searched everywhere and can’t seem to find how to add another light to my configuration.yaml

I currently have one light working fine but having trouble with the syntax and wording to add another light under - platform: mqtt-json

Should I split it off into a seperate .yaml file? I currently have the following…

  • platform: lifx
  • platform: mqtt_json
    name: “Liams Monitor”
    state_topic: “Liams Monitor”
    command_topic: “Liams Monitor/set”
    effect: true
    • bpm
    • candy cane
    • confetti
    • cyclon rainbow
    • dots
    • fire
    • glitter
    • juggle
    • lightning
    • noise
    • police all
    • police one
    • rainbow
    • rainbow with glitter
    • ripple
    • sinelon
    • solid
    • twinkle
      brightness: true
      flash: true
      rgb: true
      optimistic: false
      qos: 0
      name: Animation Speed
      initial: 150
      min: 1
      max: 150
      step: 10

Should be as simple as adding another light starting with the name:######?

Any help or examples would be great.

You define a new light by specifying a new entry, and then defining its platform

  - platform: mqtt
    command_topic: "/energenie/ENER002/444102/3"
    state_topic: "/energenie/ENER002/444102/3"
    name: "Table Lamp"
    retain: true

  - platform: mqtt
    command_topic: "/energenie/ENER002/444102/2"
    state_topic: "/energenie/ENER002/444102/2"
    name: "Lamp Stand"
    retain: true

In future please format your code properly - see the banner at the top of almost any page in this forum.