Best way to configure WiFi Tuya sensors?

this is quite a long thread, and i think there is some unneeded confusion. hopefully i’ll try to clarify… at least for anyone who might try to make sense of this in the future… and minimize false information.

many folks are pointing to zha/zigbee (conbee3) but i believe @Goood purely has wifi tuya/smartlife devices. so everything regarding zha/zigbee is irrelevant unless someone is recommending/asserting that @Goood should toss the existing devices already purchased and start over (which i personally don’t think is necessary). zigbee has nothing to do with wifi other than they happen to use the same radio frequency range and interfere with each other sometimes.

if you have wifi tuya devices, you don’t need any hub or any other accessory as long as you have good solid wifi connectivity.

localtuya supports a lot of sensors, but not all sensors. i don’t know what sensors you have so i can’t attest whether localtuya does or doesn’t support them, but even if it doesn’t have native support, it’s usually possible to get it at least recognized and somewhat working (heck, just did an oil diffuser!)

@Goood has asserted that it’s impossible to get local key (but later figured it out). and asserted it’s impossible to get the client id (which it’s not) and it’s impossible to have tuya sensors without the cloud (which i don’t believe is true either). [yeah, i’m minimally helpful because i’m not too interested in going into it given the tone so far.

but hopefully if anyone decides to continue to work on this question (or another day when i have my patience reserve refilled), the right path is just to get localtuya working.

Battery based sensors are difficult to connect to local tuya, but not impossible. The problem is, they are asleep most of the time, and only connect to to Wifi a short time when they are triggered.
So you need to trigger them while trying to configure them, a painful job, but not entirely impossible.

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@Goood once more, I suggest you start new separate discussion thread for each different device product that you bought because these discussions are way too confusing to follow as it stands now. Just start new topics and keep edch of them to facts about a product you have bought or want to buy, like the exact model number.

I am giving up on this thread. I might reply to a new topics different discussion threads if less messy, and if the subject actually involves a Zigbee based device.

ConBee is still only a Zigbee Coordinator radio dongle adapter, so it has nothing to do with Tuya hubs. ConBee can only be used in combonatiln with a compatible Zigbee Gateway software application to add and control Zigbee devices.