Best way to copy instance

hi all,
I am trying to duplicate (some of) my instance for a friend’s house, and let’s say I want most of the lovelace things, some of the automations, scripts, etc.

What is the recommended way to copy a HASS instance for such need?


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To not copy it…


Theres too much in the core that’s going to be unique. And you don’t want any of your credentials stuck in it. When you image a system to prepare it for another user you want to take all of your personalization out when you do that to HA… You get the default system image. So use that.

Lovelace elements on the other hand can usually be safely copied if you’re not going nuts with custom yaml and embedding lots of custom templates in button cards. You’ll still have a lot of updating because I guarantee they don’t call things the same thing you mightm

Build new. Then install what they need. Then duplicate the Lovelace components.they like config using copy/paste. You will have a much easier (and safer for both of you) experience.

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