Best way to delete OLD device_trackers from Beta

How should we remove these old device_trackers that are generated from the Beta? I am up to 12 now for my 2 devices.

Open the known_devices.yaml file and remove all the trackers that are no longer in use. If you want to know a great way to find out which tracker is the current one than there are 2 easy ways to do that.

  1. The easiest way would be in that same known_devices.yaml file. If by any chance the device you are looking for was the last device set up, then your current device_tracker id would be the one on the bottom of the list, if it wasn’t the last device setup, you could simply reset the app (and delete the integration from HA within the integrations UI) and then start the onboarding process again.

  2. If you really don’t know which device_tracker id belongs to your phone, or do not have access to a computer/tablet or any other means to view and edit the known_devices.yaml file, you could click on the device_tracker entities in the dev-tools from the HA UI. Then refresh the page on your iOS device, within the attributes you should see the battery level of the device_tracker entity. If it matches your current iphone battery level then it is probably the right one. If you’re having more entities that have the same battery level (your current iphone battery level ofcourse) then you should wait a bit until it drops. Refresh the app again (by swiping down on the screen), your battery state and level should get updated. All other device trackers that are no longer in use will not be updated.

tip: in known_devices.yaml, change the name to something more user friendly (currently the friendly name is the same as the entity id). The entity will still have the same id (e.g. device_tracker.ehas6s42134asdf6gasdf2) but within the attributes you can find the friendly name.

good luck


Good Morning and happy holidays!
I was looking for this solution, but apparently in newer releases the ios companion app does no longer create an entry in the known_devices.yaml.
Any suggestion where I can delete “OLD” iPhone devices?
I use HA Version 0.103.4

Thank you very much!

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