Best way to integrate webcams on multiple raspberry pis

I was already googling and searching the forums.
I’m looking for something to realize the following:

  • I have 2 raspberry pis acting as voice assistants which also happen to have a webcam connected to them
  • I would like to use these webcams as cams in homeassistant which is running on another pi


  • limit traffic, the webcams should not use a lot of network bandwidth when streaming
  • limit cpu usage and memory consumption, should not be too resource hungry
  • should run in docker for easy deployment and update (I usually write docker-compose files to deploy on each pi)

The only thing I found is motioneye, but it seems a bit outdated and not well maintained. I am trying this now but would appreciate other recommendations.

I use mjpeg-streamer to stream my octoprint webcam over ip.

Octoprint is designed to run on a pi (i actually run it on a NUC) so it should be able to handle the webcam stream.