Best way to switch to a bigger SD Card on Raspberry

I want to switch from a 8 GB sd card to 32 GB.
Whats the beste way to do this?

  1. Make image from 8GB sd card an burn to the 32GB? Is there a way to resize a partition on ResinOS?

  2. Flash new resinOS image to 32GB sd card and copy a Snapshot Backup to the Backupfolder and restore? Is this even possible? Is everything in this Backup? Like Addons and Addonsettings? And Database …?

  3. Is there a better/easier way to do this?

Thx for helping?

Ok I tried Number 2.

Works without problems.

But I really want to know, if there is a way to resize a partition on ResinOS.

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It turns out this is really simple. Shut down, create image from SD Card, Write image to larger capacity SD Card, boot…
TL;DR: This happens automatically.


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Doesn’t work for me. Partition remained at the same size and extra space wasn’t used. What tools did you use to create and write the image?