I have a garden in the early spring through fall and a created a sprinkler controller with a UNO and Dragino Yun Shield. The sprinkler schedule run on the new google component with calendar in my google account dedicated to HASS stuff (sprinkler and christmas lights mainly) .
I’d like to delay the sprinkler calendar if I get x amount of rain but I am struggling with the best way to actually have a rain gauge hooked up to HA. Netamo is where I am leaning but I only need the rain gauge and nothing else. I am also looking at various tipping rain gauge the come with various weather gadgets hooking them to my own controller like an arduino.
Has anyone done anything along these lines to really measure rainfall.
if you aren’t necessairly looking to build your own rain gauge, I use weather undergrounds component for a similar purpose. My outdoor Christmas lights have a habit of not working well if it’s raining. So I have my component looking at the rain in the past hour and if it’s above “0” I don’t turn on the outdoor lights.